
Domoticz package for YunoHost

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Domoticz for YunoHost

Integration level Working status Maintenance status
Install Domoticz with YunoHost

Lire ce readme en français.

This package allows you to install Domoticz quickly and simply on a YunoHost server. If you don't have YunoHost, please consult the guide to learn how to install it.


Domoticz is a Home Automation system design to control various devices and receive input from various sensors. For example this system can be used with:

  • Light switches
  • Door sensors
  • Doorbells
  • Security devices
  • Weather sensors like: UV/Rain/Wind Meters
  • Temperature Sensors
  • Pulse Meters
  • Voltage / AD Meters
  • And more ...

Shipped version: Always the last stable one. The last compiled version is retrieved from this directory during install. Once installed, updates from the uptream app are managed from within the app. Yunohost upgrade script will only upgrade the Yunohost package.

The MQTT broker mosquitto is integrated into the package. It requires its own domain or subdomain. It's an optional setting: during install if you set the same domaine as your main app domain, it won't be installed.


Broker Mosquitto

During installation, a MQTT broker, Mosquitto, is installed at the same time as Domoticz. The installed version is the one from the official project repo and not from Debian ones. This broker requires a dedicated domain or subdomain to work (ex : mqtt.your.domain.tld) : creating this domain prior installation is a prerequisite

Adding in domoticz

To use mosquitto, you need to customize the communication between domoticz and the broker by following the domoticz documentation, part Add hardware "MQTT Client Gateway". User and password are automatically generated during installation, you may retrieve them with

sudo yunohost app setting domoticz mqtt_user
sudo yunohost app setting domoticz mqtt_pwd


By default, mosquitto will listen on 2 ports:

  • 1883 on localhost using mqtt protocol
  • 8883 using websocket protocol. Nginx redirect external port 443 to this internal port.

Hence, To publish/subscribe on a topic from the outside, you have to use a software supporting websocket protocol (ex : paho python library).

Mosquitto_pub et mosquitto_sub

These 2 tools do not support websocket protocol, only direct mqtt: base settings will not allow communication from an outside device. If you're using them directly from your server, this kind of syntax should work:

mosquitto_pub -u *user* -P *password* -h mqtt.your.domain.tld -p 1883 -t 'domoticz/in' -m '{ "idx" : 1, "nvalue" : 0, "svalue" : "25.0" }'

In the same way:

mosquitto_sub -u *user* -P *password* -h mqtt.your.domain.tld -p 1883 -t 'domoticz/out'

If you wish to open direct mqtt protocol from an outside device, you'll need to:

  • open port 1883 on Yunohost firewall (Attention, security risk)
  • Allows IP addresses in mosquitto configuration for this listener
  • Set the tls setting in mosquitto configuration by giving access to crt.pem and key.pem from your mqtt domain by setting respective certfile et keyfile variables. This is mandatory to ensure a secure connection.

Upgrade from version without mosquitto

If you have package ynh3 or below, mosquitto is not installed by default. If you have chosen to not set a domain during initial installation also. So, if you need to activate mosquitto in retrospect, do following actions:

  1. Create a domain or a subdomain (for example : 'mqtt.your.domain.tld')
  2. Connect to your server in command line
  3. Type following command : yunohost app setting domoticz mqtt_domain -v mqtt.your.domain.tld
  4. Upgrade domoticz to last package. If you're already on the last package version, use the following command : yunohost app upgrade domoticz --force


Sensors, language and this kind of stuff

Main configuration of the app take place inside the app itself.

Zwave management

If you're using zwave devices, install mosquitto along domoticz and give a try to zwave-JS-UI package. Once installed, just follow instructions from the wiki

Access and API

By default, access for the JSON API is allowed on following path /yourdomain.tld/api_/domoticzpath. So if you access domoticz via https://mydomainname.tld/domoticz, use the following webpath for the api : /mydomainname.tld/api_/domoticz/json.htm?yourapicommand

By default, only sensor updates and switch toogle are authorized. To authorized a new command, you have (for now) to manually update the nginx config file :

sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/yourdomain.tld.d/domoticz.conf

Then edit the following block by adding the regex of the command you want to allow:

  #set the list of authorized json command here in regex format
  #you may retrieve the command from https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Domoticz_API/JSON_URL's
  #By default, sensors updates and toggle switch are authorized
  if ( $args ~* type=command&param=udevice&idx=[0-9]*&nvalue=[0-9]*&svalue=.*$|type=command&param=switchlight&idx=[0-9]*&switchcmd=Toggle$) {
    set $api "1";

For example, to add the json command to retrieve the status of a device (/json.htm?type=devices&rid=IDX),modify the line as this:

  #set the list of authorized json command here in regex format
  #you may retrieve the command from https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Domoticz_API/JSON_URL's
  #By default, sensors updates and toggle switch are authorized
  if ( $args ~* type=command&param=udevice&idx=[0-9]*&nvalue=[0-9]*&svalue=.*$|type=command&param=switchlight&idx=[0-9]*&switchcmd=Toggle$|type=devices&rid=[0-9]* ) {
    set $api "1";

All IPv4 addresses within the local network ( and all IPv6 addresses are authorized as API. As far as I know, there is no way to filter for IPv6 address on local network : You may remove the authorization by removing or commenting this line in /etc/nginx/conf.d/yourdomain.tld.d/domoticz.conf:

allow ::/1;

This will authorized only IPv4 within local network to access your domoticz API. You may add individual IPv6 address in the same way.

Shipped version: 2020.2~ynh7

Disclaimers / important information


  • No user management nor LDAP integration This function is not planned to be implemented into the app, hence it's not planned into the package neither.
  • Backup cannot be restored on a different machine type (arm, x86...) as compiled sources are different

Security consideration

Although you may activate a login page on the application (either from the Setup/Settings/System/Website protection menu or from the Setup/More Options/Edit Users menu), it doesn't seems to be very reliable and secure so far (version 2022.2 at the time of writing). Work is ongoing to strengthen the security (see here) in future version but is not yet released.


It seems advisable to not make the app publicly available outside of the yunohost sso (public = yes at install or setting the domoticz permission to 'visitors' in the admin panel). If for any reason you need to, I recommend the following:

  • Activate the website protection/user management (with login page instead of Basic-auth)
  • In Setup/Settings/System/Local Networks (no username/password) enter the address of the nginx proxy (should be "::1;" in any standard Yunohost installation) so that the Fail2ban settings is active (see last lines of this wiki

Documentation and resources

Developer info

Please send your pull request to the testing branch.

To try the testing branch, please proceed like that.

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/domoticz_ynh/tree/testing --debug
sudo yunohost app upgrade domoticz -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/domoticz_ynh/tree/testing --debug

More info regarding app packaging: https://yunohost.org/packaging_apps