The senml app is an API for encoding and decoding SenML messages in JSON or CBOR format.
It handles the formatting of the SenML pack conforming to RFC 8428.
To use the API on a Maven project, include the following in your pom.xml
After having made changes to the API
- Update the version number in
- Run
mvn clean deploy
to merge the new version into the mvn-repo branch
The API is used through the methods
, SenMLAPI.initJson(byte[])
, SenMLAPI.initCbor()
, SenMLAPI.initCbor(byte[])
, SenMLAPI#addRecord(Label.Pair, ...)
, SenMLAPI#addRecord(byte[])
, SenMLAPI#getSenML()
, SenMLAPI#getValue(Label, int)
, SenMLAPI#getRecord(int)
, SenMLAPI#getRecords()
, SenMLAPI#getLabels(int)
, Label<T>#attachValue(T)
and Label#getFormattedLabel(Class<T extends Formatter>)
The supported labels are:
Field name | Data type |
BASE_NAME | String |
BASE_TIME | double |
BASE_UNIT | String |
BASE_VALUE | double |
BASE_SUM | double |
NAME | String |
UNIT | String |
VALUE | double |
BOOLEAN_VALUE | boolean |
DATA_VALUE | String |
SUM | double |
TIME | double |
UPDATE_TIME | double |
// Creates and begins a new empty SenML message in JSON format
SenMLAPI SenMLAPI.initJson();
// Creates and begins a SenML message from the byte stream in JSON format
SenMLAPI SenMLAPI.initJson(byte[]);
// Creates and begins new empty SenML message in CBOR format
SenMLAPI SenMLAPI.initCbor();
// Creates and begins a SenML message from the byte stream in CBOR format
SenMLAPI SenMLAPI.initCbor(byte[]);
// Adds a record with the given fields
// For example
// SenMLAPI#addRecord(Label.BASE_NAME.attachValue("name"), Label.BASE_UNIT.attachValue("unit"), Label.VALUE.attachValue(4.6))
// adds a record with the fields bn = name, bu = unit, v = 4.6
void SenMLAPI#addRecord(Label.Pair, ...);
// Adds a record from the encoded JSON/CBOR message
// For example
// SenMLAPI#addRecord("{"bn":"name","bu":"unit","v":4.6}".getBytes())
// adds a record with the fields bn = name, bu = unit, v = 4.6
void SenMLAPI#addRecord(byte[]);
// Returns the encoded SenML message
byte[] SenMLAPI#getSenML();
// Get the value for the given label at the given record index
// For example
// String = SenMLAPI#getValue(Label.BASE_NAME, 0)
// Returns the base name for the first record.
T SenMLAPI#getValue(Label<T>, int);
// Returns the record that exist at the given record index
byte[] SenMLAPI#getRecord(int);
// Returns a List of all records that exist
List<byte[]> SenMLAPI#getRecords();
// Returns a List of all Labels that exist at the given record index
List<Label> SenMLAPI#getLabels(int);
// Returns a Label-Value Pair that is used in the SenMLAPI#addRecord method
Label.Pair Label<T>#attachValue(T)
// Returns the label as how it is encoded in the JSON/CBOR message
String Label#getFormattedLabel(Class<S extends Formatter>)
SenMLAPI senMLAPI = SenMLAPI.initJson();
senMLAPI.addRecord(Label.BASE_NAME.attachValue("name"), Label.BASE_UNIT.attachValue("unit"), Label.VALUE.attachValue(4.6));
senMLAPI.addRecord(Label.NAME.attachValue("current"), Label.UNIT.attachValue("A"), Label.VALUE.attachValue(1.2));
byte[] json = senMLAPI.getSenML();
System.out.println(new String(json));
Should print
SenMLAPI senMLAPI = SenMLAPI.initCbor();
senMLAPI.addRecord(Label.BASE_NAME.attachValue("name"), Label.BASE_UNIT.attachValue("unit"), Label.VALUE.attachValue(4.6));
senMLAPI.addRecord(Label.NAME.attachValue("current"), Label.UNIT.attachValue("A"), Label.VALUE.attachValue(1.2));
byte[] cbor = senMLAPI.getSenML();
System.out.println(new String(cbor));
Should print
String sampleJson = "[{\"bn\":\"mac:urn:dev:1234\", \"v\": 30.0}]";
SenMLAPI senMLAPI = SenMLAPI.initJson(sampleJson.getBytes());
double v = senMLAPI.getValue(Label.VALUE, 0);
Should print
byte[] sampleCbor = new byte[]{-127, -94, 98, 98, 110, 112, 109, 97, 99, 58, 117, 114, 110, 58, 100, 101, 118, 58, 49, 50, 51, 52, 97, 118, -7, 79, -128};
SenMLAPI senMLAPI = SenMLAPI.initCbor(sampleCbor);
double v = senMLAPI.getValue(Label.VALUE, 0);
Should print
The different lables are defined in
The main code that handles the different labels is in
Formatting is handled in
, both implementing the functions defined in
Erik Flink
Isak Olsson
Nelly Friman
Anton Bothin
Andreas Sjödin
Jacob Klasmark
Carina Wickström
Valter Lundegårdh