
Primary LanguagePython

DIG-Mol: A Contrastive Dual-Interaction Graph Neural Network for Molecular Property Prediction

Abstract: Molecular property prediction is a key component of AI-driven drug discovery and molecular characterization learning. Despite recent advances, existing methods still face challenges such as limited ability to generalize, and inadequate representation of learning from unlabeled data, especially for tasks specific to molecular structures. To address these limitations, we introduce DIG-Mol, a novel self-supervised graph neural network framework for molecular property prediction. This architecture leverages the power of contrast learning with dual interaction mechanisms and unique molecular graph enhancement strategies. DIG-Mol integrates a momentum distillation network with two interconnected networks to efficiently improve molecular characterization. The framework’s ability to extract key information about molecular structure and higherorder semantics is supported by minimizing loss of contrast. We have established DIG-Mol’s state-of-the-art performance through extensive experimental evaluation in a variety of molecular property prediction tasks. In addition to demonstrating superior transferability in a small number of learning scenarios, our visualizations highlight DIGMol’s enhanced interpretability and representation capabilities. These findings confirm the effectiveness of our approach in overcoming challenges faced by traditional methods and mark a significant advance in molecular property prediction. The code for this project is now available at https://github.com/ZeXingZ/DIG-Mol.

Article Links: (arxiv) [https://arxiv.org/pdf/2405.02628] Published by IEEE-JBHI! [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10684535]

Getting Started


Set up conda environment and clone the github repo

# create a new environment
$ conda create --name DIG-Mol python=3.7
$ conda activate DIG-Mol

# install requirements
$ pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
$ pip install torch-geometric==1.6.3 torch-sparse==0.6.9 torch-scatter==2.0.6 -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.7.0+cu110.html
$ pip install PyYAML
$ conda install -c conda-forge rdkit=2020.09.1.0
$ conda install -c conda-forge tensorboard
$ conda install -c conda-forge nvidia-apex # optional

# clone the source code of DIG-Mol
$ git clone https://github.com/ZeXingZ/DIG-Mol.git
$ cd DIG-Mol


You can download the pre-training data and benchmarks used in the paper here and extract the zip file under ./data folder. The data for pre-training can be found in pubchem-10m-clean.txt. All the databases for fine-tuning are saved in the folder under the benchmark name. You can also find the benchmarks from MoleculeNet.

Data preprocessing

To convert SMILES strings into molecular graphs using RDKit, refer to the data processing code available in dataset/dataset.py.

RDKit link[https://github.com/rdkit/rdkit]


To train the DIG-Mol, where the configurations and detailed explaination for each variable can be found in config.yaml

$ python DIG-Mol.py


To fine-tune the DIG-Mol pre-trained model on downstream molecular benchmarks, where the configurations and detailed explaination for each variable can be found in config_finetune.yaml

$ python DIG-Mol_finetune.py

Pre-trained models

We also provide pre-trained DIGNN models, which can be found in model.pth and model_50.pth for different pretraining epoches respectively.



If you are interested in our work or use the code in your research, please cite the following article:

@article{zhao2024dig, title={DIG-Mol: A Contrastive Dual-Interaction Graph Neural Network for Molecular Property Prediction}, author={Zhao, Zexing and Shi, Guangsi and Wu, Xiaopeng and Ren, Ruohua and Gao, Xiaojun and Li, Fuyi}, journal={IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics}, year={2024}, publisher={IEEE} }