
Game Boy emulator by Alec Murphy for TempleOS, ported to ZealOS. https://git.checksum.fail/alec/cherub

The UnlicenseUnlicense


Game Boy emulator for TempleOS ported to ZealOS

This is a work in progress. A lot of things are broken.

Z80 Core and timing routines ported from PHP Terminal GameBoy Emulator, which in turn is based on GameBoy JS Emulator


Put ROM files in Roms folder, and #include "Run";

You can connect a SNES gamepad w/ adapter to the parallel port. Enable gamepad in Settings.ZC with useGamePad=TRUE;

Keyboard Controls


B: S

A: A

Select: SHIFT

Start: ENTER

Exit: ESC

Keys 1-4 toggle 1x/2x/3x/4x video scaling.

Keys U-P change palette colors 1-4.

Reset: R

Load State: 5

Save State: 7

Toggle Sound: Q

Gamepad Controls


B: Y

A: B

Select: SELECT

Start: START

Exit: L

Load State: R

Save State: X

Toggle Sound: A