
A Swift implementation of the Double Metaphone algorithm

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This is an implementation of the Double Metaphone algorithm in Swift. The algorithm was originally coded by Lawrence Philips.

Setting up with CocoaPods

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
pod 'DoubleMetaphoneSwift', '~> 0.0.1'


Import DoubleMetaphoneSwift at the top of the Swift file.

import DoubleMetaphoneSwift

The returned Double Metaphone calculation returns the primary and secondary calculations as a tuple.

guard let (primary, secondary) = DoubleMetaphoneSwift.calculate(input: "Hello World!") else {
    print("Failed to calculate...")

print("Primary: \(primary)")      // Primary: HLRL
print("Secondary: \(secondary)")  // Secondary: HLRL