
CRUD API built around a goodreads dataset

Primary LanguageJava

Book API

This is a book api built on top of this kaggle dataset. The data has been cleaned due to mismatched columns in the original dataset

Built to learn java and spring boot


all endpoints are GET endpoints and will return a json response similar to the following

  "count": 3,
  "results": [{}, {}, {}],
  "error": "error string"

count the number of results in results

results An array of book models

error if response status code == 404, then the error string will be filled with an error

Book Model

  "bookID": 0,
  "title": "",
  "authors": "",
  "isbn": "",
  "isbn13": "",
  "publisher": "",
  "averageRating": 0,
  "languageCode": "",
  "numPages": 0,
  "ratingsCount": 0,
  "textReviewsCount": 0,
  "publisher": ""


Get endpoints

GET /books # returns all the books
GET /books/{id} # get book by id
GET /books?query={search query} # returns all books with the query in the title

GET /books/isbn/{isbn} # get book by isbn
GET /books/isbn13/{isbn13} # get book by isbn13

GET /books/author?v={author name} # get book by author

GET /books/rating?gt={greater then} # return all books with rating greater than
GET /books/rating?lt={less then} # return all books with ratings less than

GET /books/languagecodes # returns all the language codes
GET /books?language={language code} # return books by language code

GET /books/published?on={date} # returns all books published on this date
GET /books/published?after={date} # returns all books published after this date
GET /books/published?before={date} # returns all books published before this date

GET /books/publishers # return all publishers
GET /books/published?by={publisher} # returns all books published by publisher

The endpoints /books/publishers and /books/languagecodes will both return a 'list response' containing the number of results and a list of strings

  "count": 3,
  "results": [

Post endpoints

note!!! as h2 is used as a database any data posted to the database will not be persisted over application restarts

POST /books

JSON request body

  "title": "",
  "authors": "",
  "isbn": "",
  "isbn13": "",
  "publisher": "",
  "averageRating": 0,
  "languageCode": "",
  "numPages": 0,
  "ratingsCount": 0,
  "textReviewsCount": 0,
  "publicationDate": "yyyy-MM-dd",
  "publisher" : ""

Delete Endpoints

DELETE /books/{id} # deletes book with corresponding ID

Put Endpoints

note!!! as h2 is used as a database any data updated in the database will not be persisted over application restarts

PUT /books/{id} # updates the book with corresponding ID with data in request body. 
                # If book at ID does not exist then it will be created

JSON request body

  "title": "",
  "authors": "",
  "isbn": "",
  "isbn13": "",
  "publisher": "",
  "averageRating": 0,
  "languageCode": "",
  "numPages": 0,
  "ratingsCount": 0,
  "textReviewsCount": 0,
  "publicationDate": "yyyy-MM-dd",
  "publisher" : ""