i2p and tor dockerized Everything is built transparently right here. Use it as a basis for your own project.
Docker Engine is used in conjunction with docker-compose. Make is used as a wrapper for everything.
Start up the containers with:
make run
Exec into the service container with:
make shell
Stop containers with:
make stop
make install
then from anywhere you can run i2p
, assuming that ~/.local/bin
is in your system path.
WeeChat is an IRC Client. Configure it to point to i2p_service/8666
in order to connect to the i2p IRC server. To do this, launch weechat
and then type in /server add i2p i2p_service/8666
and then connect with /connect i2p
Proxychains is configured to point to the IP address of the tor_svc
container's IP address and port 9100
You can browse eepsites with Lynx by doing the following from a shell inside of the service container:
export http_proxy=http://i2p_service:8080
export https_proxy=http://i2p_service:8443
Then start lynx
You can download a torrent file with lynx
and save it under /i2p-share/i2psnark
and it'll begin download automatically. Downloaded torrents will be available in the i2p/i2psnark
folder within this project. You can monitor progress by browsing to localhost:8081