A dockerized install of the metasploit framework checked out freshly from github.
You don't have to do this, but it is highly encouraged that you use the metasploit framework with postgres. This will take a few extra steps.
Step 1 Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/ZedCode/docker-msf.git docker-msf
Step 2 Build the image:
cd docker-msf
sudo docker build -t="[your user]/docker-msf" .
Step 3 Mount the msf-postgres directory and copy the contents to the mount via the firstRun.sh script:
mkdir msf-postgres
sudo docker run -t -i -v [path to current dir]/msf-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main-save [your user]/docker-msf /bin/bash /firstRun.sh
NOTE: it is important that you use the exact path above as other things have this path hard coded! Also note that this time, and only this time, you're mounting it as main-save, this is so you can safely copy data generated by postgres.
Step 4 Re-launch with the correct volume mounted:
sudo docker run -t -i -v [path to current dir]/msf-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/9.3/main [your user]/docker-msf /bin/bash
Once again, this path must be identical as before, except instead of main-save, it's just main at the end of the path.
Step 5 Run the startup script inside the container:
/bin/bash /startUp.sh
Step 6 Become the correct user and launch msfconsole:
sudo -u mallory /msf/msfconsole -L
If you want to run msfconsole with sudo, you'll need to do things slightly differently:
su - mallory
sudo /msf/msfconsole -L
A line has been added to the mallory user's .bashrc to preserve all the ruby related paths.
If you really don't want to use postgres, you can build the image and then just do step 6.
Why Mallory? In information security, the name Mallory is typically used to describe the malicious user. For more see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_and_Bob under cast of characters.