
Geospatial based photo shared social network backend with Golang

Primary LanguageGo


Geospatial based photo shared social network backend with Golang
Frontend is implementated with ReactJS, please see here.

Overview of project

  • Develop Web services with Golang to handle user auth(register, login, logout), post and search
  • Implement token based authentication with PostgreSQL, JWT, OAuth 2.0
  • Implement posts storage, geo-location based search for nearby posts, data visualization with ElasticSearch and Kibana in GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine)
  • Store post image with Google Cloud Storage(GCS)
  • Improve read performance with a little data consistency sacrifice with Redis
  • Deploy with Docker, GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) and GOOGLE CLOUD LOAD BALANCING


  • /signup

    • save to PostgreSQL.
  • /login

    • check login credential in PostgreSQL, if correct return token
  • /search - search nearby posts

    1. have token-based authentication first
    2. search in Redis cache, if not found then search ElasticSearch
    3. use "type" : "geo_point" to map (lat, lon) to geo_point, ElasticSearch will use geo-indexing to search(KD tree)


  • /post

    1. save post image in GCS.
    2. save post info in ElasticSearch, bigTable(optional).

    post body

      "message": "<3",
      "location": {
        "lat": 47.651977307189256,
        "lon": -122.3316657342046
      "url": [


  • CRUD for user's own posts
  • Follow and Like