
Neovim config designed for frontend dev

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Neovim config designed for Frontend Development

Fast as f***

nvim startuptime


Name Plugin
Auto Pilot Codeium
Autocompletion Cmp
Autoclosing Braces Autopairs
Custome Snippet Vsnip
Color Preview Colorizer
Find Files Telescope
Gitsigns Gitsigns
Indentlines Indentlines
Lsp Lsp
Formmating None-ls
Syntax Highlighting Treesitter
Themes Gruvbox
File Navigation NvimTree


before install i suggest you to create an account codeium before install cause i use codeium if u didin't wanna using codeium just remove from list plugin in lua/zedd/plugins/init.lua


clean up your config first

rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim

install prettier, stylua, cssls

npm i -g prettier @johnnymorganz/stylua-bin vscode-langservers-extracted


git clone https://github.com/ZeddNyx/Znvim ~/.config/nvim

run nvim


Space (SPC) is my Leader key.

Key Bindings Description
SPC ff Telescope find files
SPC lg Telescope live grep
SPC bb Telescope buffers
SPC gs Telescope git status
SPC lr Telescope lsp references
SPC ld Telescope lsp definitions
Key Bindings Description
crr jsx
cr (visual) jsx
ur (visual) jsx
cjj js
cj (visual) js
uj (visual) js
css css
cs (visual) css
uc (visual) css
cll lua
cl (visual) lua
ul (visual) lua
chh html
ch (visual) html
uh (visual) html
cgg #
cg (visual) #
ug (visual) #
Key Bindings Description
Shift h Buffer previous
Shift l Buffer next
Shift c Buffer close
Shift q Buffer close all
Key Bindings Description
Shift s t Previewd definition
Shift s r Rename
Shift s d diagnostic next
Shift s a diagnostic all workspace
Custome & Other
Key Bindings Description
zft auto folding html tag
zff auto folding function
SPC h Switch left
SPC j Switch down
SPC k Switch up
SPC l Switch right
SPC a Select all
SPC c Clean higlight
SPC e File explorer
SPC y Copy forward word
SPC ww Save file
SPC wa Save all file
SPC wq Save and quit
Shift f Prettier
SHIFT s / Find and replace
Ctrl g Apply Codeium Reference



# linux/macos (unix)
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim

# windows
rd -r ~\AppData\Local\nvim
rd -r ~\AppData\Local\nvim-data