
A collection of Addons that make use of SuperWoW's features


What is SuperWoW?

You can find SuperWoW here. It's feature list and compatibility notes can be found on it's github wiki.

How do I install SuperWoW?

Pepopo wrote an install guide here.

Addons that require SuperWoW

Addon Description
AutoMarker Automatically mark raid mobs
Cursive Curse tracker and multi curse assistant
MageHud Mage Shield Display for Turtle WoW
ShaguScan Tracks and filters nearby players and npcs
SoloRaidTargetIcons Enables raid target icons through the default Blizzard UI while not in a group
SuperAPI_Castlib Adds accurate castbars to any nameplate
SuperWowCombatLogger Improved combatlogger for TurtleWoW (for LegacyPlayers/Monkeylogs)
SpiritLinker Information bar for using Spirit Link
TankPlates Colors enemy Nameplates depending on if they're targeting the player

Addons that gain additional features with SuperWoW

Addon Added Feature(s) Description
pfUI Accurate Nameplate and TargetFrame Castbars Full UI replacement
ShaguPlates Accurate Nameplate Castbars Standalone pfUI Nampeplates
ShaguTweaks Accurate Nameplate and TargetFrame Castbars A collection of tweaks and enhancements to the default interface
Sorgis Raid Marks More efficient marking Raid mark targeting and assigning, improved fork making use of superwow

An addon is missing? Feel free to send a pullrequest or make an issue.