
A way to truncate a json object.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A way to truncate a json object. Useful for circular referenced objects.


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If you need to write data to a file or output an object to an api endpoint that has circular references I recommend you give json-truncate a try.

By removing deeply nested data to maintain simple copies of the circular references you can keep most of the data you might be interested in.


npm install json-truncate --save


Below are examples of how to use json-truncate


You can include with regular node require:

JSON.truncate = require('json-truncate')

or es6 import

import JSONTruncate from 'json-truncate'


Figure 1.0 - A basic example with default options.


Figure 1.1 - An example of setting the maxDepth property.

JSON.truncate(SomeDeepObject, 5)

Figure 1.2 - An example of all configurable options.

  data: 'foo',
  level1: {
    data: 'bar',
    level2: {
      level3: {}
}, {
  maxDepth: 2,
  replace: '[Truncated]'
 * Output:
  "data": "foo",
  "level1": {
    "data": "bar",
    "level2": "[Truncated]"


By default, there are two configurable variables to keep in mind when using json-truncate:

  1. maxDepth (Number) = 10
  2. replace (Any) = undefined

If you would you can configure these either individually with each request, or globally with the configuration function. The following example mimics figure 1.2 above.

  maxDepth: 2,
  replace: '[Truncated]'


  • obj - The Object that will be truncated.
  • options - (optional) An option object to customize the behavior of the utility. Defaults to {}.

Current Option Properties

Option Description
maxDepth The default maxDepth to use for nested and deep properties on an object. Defaults to 10
:-- :--
replace A string value that is used to replace all truncated values. If this value is not a string then all truncated values will be replaced with undefined
