A set of web-native dialogs for selecting files and directories. It relies on js-platform/filer for an in-browser filesystem and replaces the native file and directory dialogs with cross-browser ones.
Show an "Open" dialog and return the file(s)/directories selected by the user
- allowMultipleSelection
- Allows selecting more than one file at a time
- chooseDirectories
- Allows directories to be opened
- title
- The title of the dialog
- initialPath
- The folder opened inside the window initially. If initialPath is not set, or it doesn't exist, the window would show the last browsed folder depending on the OS preferences
- fileTypes
- List of extensions that are allowed to be opened, without leading ".". Null or empty array allows all files to be selected. Not applicable when chooseDirectories = true.
- callback
- Callback resolved with a FileSystemError string or the selected file(s)/directories. If the user cancels the open dialog, the error will be falsy and the file/directory array will be empty.