
Code style: black

A django cookie cutter template inspired by cookiecutter-django.

Installation & Usage

Make sure your env is using Python 3+

$ python -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate

$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install cookiecutter bumpversion
$ cookiecutter

After generating the project cd into the folder and run the following.

$ ./
$ ./

First steps

The project includes a small demo of the libraries it bundles. Once running open your browser on localhost:8000 and create an account. The mail hog server can be accessed on localhost:8025 when you need to retrieve the confirmation email.

Included libraries


Web pdb is included and can be used as follows (Note the port is important in the example below as this port is exposed by the local docker container).

import web_pdb


Within the local environment PYTHONBREAKPOINT="web_pdb.set_trace" is set. Therefore in Python 3.7 and up the debugger can be activated by calling breakpoint().

django_tables2 & django_filters

Django tables and django filters are included by default. A template for a table with filters can be found within the showcase application. The template includes the following features:

  • Collapsable django_filter form for the table
  • Table export functionality
  • Automatic collapse/show functionality on the filter form based on the current state of filters

To enable export on your table just add an export_formats attribute to the table class containing the formats you wish to support.

class UserTable(django_tables2.Table):
    """User table to showcase django tables 2."""

    export_formats = ('csv', 'json', 'latex', 'ods', 'tsv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'yml')

Known Issues

  1. libcairo2 is required by weasyprint for pdf generation and is installed during the docker build. Currently the version of cairo installed triggers a user warning related to svg images for versions < 1.15.4. At this time a newer version is not available to install via apt-get and would require downloading the source (+- 100mb) and building it. This has not been done since pdf generation is working correctly in spite of the user warning.

To Do:

  • Add django channels support
    • Investigate using a reverse proxy within container
  • Add GraphQL support
    • Integrate with DRF permissioning
  • startapp template
    • Create startapp templates that reflect choices made by user i.e. include graphql
    • Include test suite structure
  • Restructure project structure to standard django structure
  • Tests
  • Install cairo for weasy print
  • Specify port in docker compose
  • Use python 3.6.7
  • Update gitignore in post hook
  • Update bumpversion config
  • Tests run on sqlite