
A Blogging API with Node.js and ExpressJs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Blogging API

An API for a blog built with Node.js, ExpressJS and MongoDB

Base URL


  • Users should have a first_name, last_name, email, password, (you can add other attributes you want to store about the user)
  • A user should be able to sign up and sign in into the blog app
  • Use JWT as authentication strategy and expire the token after 1 hour
  • A blog can be in two states; draft and published
  • Logged in and not logged in users should be able to get a list of published blogs created
  • Logged in and not logged in users should be able to to get a published blog
  • Logged in users should be able to create a blog.
  • When a blog is created, it is in draft state
  • The owner of the blog should be able to update the state of the blog to published
  • The owner of a blog should be able to edit the blog in draft or published state
  • The owner of the blog should be able to delete the blog in draft or published state
  • The owner of the blog should be able to get a list of their blogs.
  • The endpoint should be paginated
  • It should be filterable by state
  • Blogs created should have title, description, tags, author, timestamp, state, read_count, reading_time and body.
  • The list of blogs endpoint that can be accessed by both logged in and not logged in users should be paginated, default it to 20 blogs per page.

Rate Limit

API requests are limited to 20 requests per 15 minutes.

Data Models

User Model

field data_type constraints
id string required
firstname string required
lastname string required
email string required
password string required

Blog Model

field data_type constraints
id string required
created_at date required
title string required
description string optional
body string required
state string required, default:'draft', enum: ['draft', 'published']
tags array optional
read_Count Number
reading_time Number
author ref- User

API Endpoints

User SignUp

  • Route: /user/signup
  • Method: POST
  • Example Request:
  "email": "user@example.com",
  "first_name": "Test",
  "last_name": "User",
  "password": "Password123"
  • Responses


    state: "true",
    message: 'Signup successful'

User Login

  • Route: /user/login
  • Method: POST
  • Example:
    "email": 'user@example.com",
    "password": "Password123"
  • Responses


    message: "Logged In Successfully",
    token: 'te12st27893to02987ken093876tuse98765r'

Create a Blog

  • Route: /blog
  • Method: POST
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • Body:

  "title": "JS- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly",
  "description": "A short blog about the postives and negatives of JavaScript",
  "tags": ["tech"],
  "body": "This is a test blog, let's see what it prints."
  • Responses


    created_at: Sun Nov 06 2022 15:35:00 GMT+0300,
    status: true,
    newBlog: { 
       title: "JS- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", 
       description: "A short blog about the postives and negatives of JavaScript", 
       tags: ["tech"],
       body: "This is a test blog, let's see what it prints",
       state: "draft",
       author: 9874567i8o998itr567890

Get All Published Blogs

  • Route: /blog

  • Method: GET

  • Header

    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • Query params:

    • page (default: 0)
    • skip (default: 20)
    • order_by (options: timestamp| read_count)
  • Responses


    status: true,
    article: [{ 
       title: "JS- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", 
       description: "A short blog about the postives and negatives of JavaScript", 
       tags: ["tech"],
       body: "This is a test blog, let's see what it prints",
       read_Count:0, reading_time:1, 
       author: 9874567i8o998itr567890

Get All Blogs for a User

  • Route: /articles/user/:userID
  • Method: GET
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • Query params:
    • page (default: 0)
    • skip (default: 20)
    • order_by (default: created_at)
    • state (default: published)
  • Responses


    status: true,
    article: [{ 
       title: "JS- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", 
       description: "A short blog about the postives and negatives of JavaScript", 
       tags: ["tech"],
       body: "This is a test blog, let's see what it prints",
       read_Count:0, reading_time:1, 

Get a blog

  • Route: /blog/:ID
  • Method: GET
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • Responses


    status: true,
    blog: { 
       title: "JS- The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", 
       description: "A short blog about the postives and negatives of JavaScript", 
       tags: ["tech"],
       body: "This is a test blog, let's see what it prints"},
       author: 9874567i8o998itr567890

Update Blog

  • Route: /blog/:ID
  • Method: PUT
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • Body:
    "title": "Test Blog",
    "description": "This is a simple blog to test if this endpoint works",
    "body": "Hi, I'm zainab and I would really liek to becoem a backend end dev.
            I'm an altschool studnet and we've been learning cool stuff. 
            Can you believe I just learnt how to write JS and I'm now writing
            tests and building an API. I feel so happy.",
    "tags": "school"
  • Responses


    state: "true",
    message: "Blog updated successfully"

Delete a blog

  • Route: /blogs/:ID
  • Method: GET
  • Header
    • Authorization: Bearer {token}
  • Responses


    state: "true",
    message: "Blog deleted successfully"
