
Guessing Game is a multiplayer web application built with Node.js, Express.js, and It is designed to allow players to join a game session and compete with each other by guessing the correct answer to a given question.


  • Game session interface should be like a chat interface
  • User should be able to start a game session (game master)
  • Other users can join the game session (players) before the game session starts
  • Users should be able to see the number of players connected to a game session
  • Game master should be able to create a question and an answer for other players in this game session
  • Game session can only be started by the game master and there must be more than two players before the game session starts
  • When the game master starts the game sessions:
  • A question is displayed for each player, and each player has 3 attempts to guess the right answer.
  • Other users (players) cannot join this session while the game is in progress.
  • The game session ends on the following conditions:
  • A player gets the right answer.
  • Other players cannot guess the answer.
  • The winner and answer are displayed to other players, and the winning player receives 10 points.
  • The time for the game session expires (default to 60 seconds).
  • Other players cannot guess the answer.
  • No winner is displayed to other players, and no points are assigned to any player.
  • Answer is displayed to the other players.
  • Players can see each other's scores.
  • When the game session ends, another player becomes the game master and can create a question with an answer for other players to guess.
  • Game session is deleted when all the players in the session have left the session.

Installation and Usage

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Express.js

