
R3ndr is template engine for browser and backend (node). It maps data object to String templates by id and class data-bind attributes.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

alt tag


R3ndr is template engine for browser and backend (node). It maps data object to String templates by id and class data-bind attributes.

The idea came from https://github.com/leonidas/transparency. So thanks to there!

#####Load browser:

<script type="text/javascript" src="r3ndr.min.js"></script>

#####Load require:

var R = require('r3ndr');

#####Example usage:

var example = R('<div>Hello <span class="name"></span></div>').render({name: { text: 'Example'}}, {
  name: {
    text: function() {
      return '<span class="extended">Extended</span> ' + this.text;
