
Group Window

86Atlas opened this issue · 2 comments


Loving your UI so far, would it be possible to "rework" the group window as well? Colorcoding the Bars according to their class (we could use the colors of the class icons for example) would also greatly help.

Having a group window like WoW Grid2 Boxes or such would help with healing so much...

Just an idea, hope i am not bringing up something that is not liked at all...

I like the idea and have thought about it. The problem is I don't have access to all of the information needed.
Also I won't be able to make the game interact with the ppl you would click on even if I had the information so unfortunately I wont be able to implement this at this point.

ahh, no problem.

another topic: the settings window, would it be possible to see it in "real time" if i make changes?
Like changing the font or bar height, showing that without clicking on save and if i dont like the result, i have to open the config window again.