
How to add abilities to custom cooldowns

gamer4eg opened this issue · 5 comments

I immediately apologize for the fact that the text was generated by a google translator.
Can't add ability to custom cooldowns.
I search by name, press the save button.
I wish to save and reload the overlay.
Custom cooldown anchor still empty = (

Don't worry about using Google Translate, your question is clear to me!

I want to doublecheck if anything happened to the settings.
Could you export the JSON and post the contents here?


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Just in case - a screenshot of the plugins

Thanks for the information, I have found the bug and I have pushed a fix.
in 5 minutes from now please delete the ability and add it again.

The issue was caused by a bug that dropped the level property after you change the job (because the ability is originally from Gladiator).

Let me know if it works for you but in my test case it seems to work now!

It's work! THX!