
Adds a few terminal commands to sell your scrap from the ship. Highly Configurable. SellFromTerminal +

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Adds a few terminal commands to sell your scrap from the ship. Highly Configurable.

This mod will sell scrap as close to the requested value as possible.

  • You must be landed at The Company building to use sell commands.

  • This mod will NOT sell Gifts, Shotguns, or Ammo by default.
    • See Sell Settings for more info.

  • This mod supports excluding custom / modded scrap items from the sell algorithm.
    • See Advanced Sell Settings for more info.

  • This mod will show how much overtime bonus you will receive on the sell confirmation screen.


Download SellMyScrap on Thunderstore.

Terminal Commands

  • You must be landed at The Company building to use sell commands.
  • Each sell command will sell items based on your config settings.
  • Each sell command requires confirmation before selling your scrap.
    • Additional information is given on the confirmation screen.
Command Description Optional flags
sell <amount> Will sell scrap for a total of the requested amount. -se, -se:<number>, -o
sell quota Will sell scrap to reach the profit quota. -se, -se:<number>
sell all Will sell all of your scrap. -se, -se:<number>
sell item <name> Will sell scrap by their item name. -se, -se:<number>
  • Using the -se flag will spawn a random scrap eater.
    • Usage: <sell-command> -se
  • Using the -se:<number> flag will spawn a scrap eater by their index (Starts at 1).
    • 1 = Octolar, 2 = Takey, 3 = Maxwell, 4 = Yippee, 5 = Cookie Fumo, 6 = Psycho
    • Usage: <sell-command> -se:<number>

Additional info for the sell <amount> command.

  • This command supports math expressions as the input for .
    • Usage example: sell 500 + 50
  • Using the -o flag will sell for a less amount so (less amount + overtime bonus) = initial amount.
    • Usage: sell <amount> -o

Additional info for the sell item <name> command.

  • Item names are not case-sensitive but, spaces do matter.
  • Usage examples:
    • sell item Whoopie cushion
    • sell item Whoopie
    • sell item Whoo
Command Description
sell Shows a help message for this mod.
view overtime Shows your current overtime bonus.
view scrap Shows a list of all the scrap in the ship.
view all scrap Shows a list of all the registered scrap.
view config Shows your config settings.
edit config Edit config settings from the terminal.

Config Settings

  • Use the edit config command to edit config settings from the terminal.
  • Only the host can edit Sell Settings and Advanced Sell Settings using the config editor.
  • Sell Settings and Advanced Sell Settings will be synced with the host.
Sell Settings Setting type Default value Description
sellGifts Boolean false Do you want to sell Gifts?
sellShotguns Boolean false Do you want to sell Shotguns?
sellAmmo Boolean false Do you want to sell Ammo?
sellKnives Boolean false Do you want to sell Kitchen knives?
sellPickles Boolean true Do you want to sell Jar of pickles?
Advanced Sell Settings Setting type Default value Description
sellScrapWorthZero Boolean false Do you want to sell scrap worth zero?
onlySellScrapOnFloor Boolean false Do you want to sell scrap that is only on the floor?
dontSellListJson String [] JSON array of item names to not sell.

Additional info for the dontSellListJson config setting.

  • Use the edit config command to easily edit the dontSellListJson config setting from the terminal.
  • Use the view scrap or view all scrap command to see the correct item names to use.
  • Item names are not case-sensitive but, spaces do matter.
  • Example value: ["Maxwell", "Cookie Fumo", "Octolar Plush", "Smol Takey"]
Terminal Settings Setting type Default value Description
overrideWelcomeMessage Boolean true Overrides the terminal welcome message to add additional info.
overrideHelpMessage Boolean true Overrides the terminal help message to add additional info.
showFoundItems Boolean true Show found items on the confirmation screen.
sortFoundItemsPrice Boolean true Sorts found items from most to least expensive.
alignFoundItemsPrice Boolean true Aligns all prices of found items.
Misc Settings Setting type Default value Description
speakInShip Boolean true The Company will speak inside your ship after selling from the terminal.
overrideSetNewProfitQuota Boolean true Will override the SetNewProfitQuota function in TimeOfDay.
Scrap Eater Settings Setting type Default value Description
scrapEaterChance Int32 40 The percent chance a scrap eater will spawn?!
octolarSpawnWeight Int32 1 The spawn chance weight Octolar will spawn?! (scrap eater)
takeySpawnWeight Int32 1 The spawn chance weight Takey will spawn?! (scrap eater)
maxwellSpawnWeight Int32 1 The spawn chance weight Maxwell will spawn?! (scrap eater)
yippeeSpawnWeight Int32 1 The spawn chance weight Yippee will spawn?! (scrap eater)
cookieFumoSpawnWeight Int32 1 The spawn chance weight Cookie Fumo will spawn?! (scrap eater)
psychoSpawnWeight Int32 1 The spawn chance weight Psycho will spawn?! (scrap eater)

Bug Reports, Help, or Suggestions


Discord server Forum Post
Lethal Company modding Discord #mod-releases SellMyScrap
Unofficial Lethal Company Community #mod-releases SellMyScrap



sell <amount>

sell quota

sell all

sell item <name>

view overtime

view scrap

view all scrap

view config

edit config

My Other Mods

Name Description
OnlyPresents Moons will only spawn gift boxes. (Server-side)
Hitmarker Shows a hitmarker when you successfully hit an enemy. With additional features. (Client-side)
ToilHead CoilHeads can sometimes spawn with a turret on their head.
CoilHeadSettings This mod lets you configure the CoilHead.
OctolarPlush Adds a customizable Octolar Plushie scrap item.
TakeyPlush Adds a customizable Takey Plushie scrap item with some functionalities. 😈

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