- Tsai-Chen Hsieh (th2990@columbia.edu)
- Zehua Chen (zc2616@columbia.edu)
- Fatima Dantsoho (fd2508@columbia.edu)
- Alix Leon (afl2124@columbia.edu)
pnpm install
Note that PNPM is a next-generation package manager for Node. Please see pnpm.io for setup instructions
cdk deploy "Development/*" --parameters \
CognitoDomain=<unique url> \
-O cdk.out/outputs.json
-O cdk.out/outputs.json
: save outputs to a file for quick reference
As frontend depends on outputs from Cloud Formation, it has to be deployed separately.
- Web Development: follow instructions on how to build frontend first
aws s3 sync web/public s3://<bucket>
cdk deploy LabelHubPipeline --parameters \
CodeStarConnection=<arn> \
CognitoDomain=<unique url> \
-O cdk.out/outputs.json
can't be passed as parameter for some reasons- Frontend still has to be deployed separately
python -m unittest discover tests