The OS that goes like brrr
- Experienced Arch/Manjaro users who want to get ideas for their own system.
- People who want to have all the important system configs on ~/.config to avoid breakage on updates.
- People too fucking lazy to write their own installer. → Yes I'm looking at you
Run archinstall to install arch, choose sway, and then just
git clone && cd BrrrOS && /
In the TUI installer, choose what to install
1) Software installer → Base packages from the official arch repos.
2) Settings applier → You can accept only the ones you want!
3) AUR installer → you can accept only the ones your want!
- Pure arch Linux.
- Easy to customize sway settings [tidy, follow conventions].
- Easy to customize desktop widgets.
- Tokyonight theme.
- Custom sway modes.
- Beautiful base to customize.
- Better videos showing the material are needed. We need to find a service that converts video to hi-res gif, as stupid GitHub only allow 10mb video.
- Background not included → yet
Modes currently use workman layout → Users probably prefer qwerty.By default, still uses a few of my personal settings (6 screens and stuff) → Make it user agnostic
Please report any bug you find and I will look into them.