This code has been generated from these requirements as part of the technical interview for the startup Idoven.
Install the pre-requirements
sudo apt install docker virtualenv
Create and enable a virtualenv and install the dependencies with
cd ~/
python -m venv venv
source ~/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the database
docker run -e POSTGRES_DB=idovendb -e POSTGRES_USER=apiuser -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=apipassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Start the FastAPI server
cd ./app
uvicorn main:app --reload
Once the FastAPI server is running you can run the tests
cd ./tests
Once you end developing you can stop the virtualenv with
Optionally you can run the project in production mode with
APP_ENV=production uvicorn main:app
Optionally you can connect to the database in interactive mode with
docker ps
docker exec -it <instance-id> psql -U apiuser -d idovendb
* app
* model
- /
- /
* view
- /
- /
* controller
- /
- /
- /
* tests
- /
- /
- Friday: Capture of requirements
- Monday: MVP
- Tuesday: Missing features
- Wednesday: Tests
- Thursday: Bug fixes
- This project uses the code conventions PEP8.
- This project uses the docstring conventions Google's python style guide.
- The database we use is PostgreSQL.
- The ORM we use is alchemysql.
- The migration tool we use is alembic.
- The database is normalized to Boyce Codd's 3º normal form.
- The database implements foreign key constraints to ensure data integrity.
- Aditional endpoint 'delete-user' to be used by users with the 'admin' role.
- Database backups.
- Logging system.
- Alert system like prometheus.
- Persistent tokens. In case we plan using a load balancer for the users microservice in the future, this would be a good idea.
- A logout endoint.
- Using email or telephone as primary key for users would be desireable.
- Before leaving staging, we must modify the tests to self-clean data.
- According to the requirements, admins can create users. But the requirements do not specify the fact a admin shouldn't probably be able to create users with the role 'admin'.