
Source the documentation in zeissiqs.github.io is generated from.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Source of the generated documentation in zeissiqs.github.io.


Please see ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions for the resulting rendered output.



For ZEISS IQS software developers: The necessary tools are already part of the build system. You do not need to execute the following steps !

  • You need a Python 3 installation
  • Add the necessary Python packages:
python -m pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme myst_parser sphinx_favicon sphinx_sitemap sphinxcontrib-newsfeed


  • Clone the source and the target repository into a common parent directory
cd my_working_directory
git clone https://github.com/ZeissIQS/ZeissIQS-pages.git
git clone https://github.com/ZeissIQS/ZeissIQS.github.io.git


Editing process

  • Edit the documentation source (mostly markdown files) in the ZeissIQS-pages directory.
  • Execute 'make.bat' from that ZeissIQS-pages directory to update the target repository.
  • You can preview the generated documentation by opening ZeissIQS.github.io/index.html in a browser.



  • Commit both source and target directory
cd ZeissIQS-pages

# Perform edits

git add -A
git commit -m "Some useful message"
git push

cd ..

cd ZeissIQS.github.io
git add -A
git commit -m "Some useful message"
git push
  • After the changes have been pushed into the 'ZeissIQS.github.io' repository, the live pages at will be updated automatically after app. one minute.