
Indexes a documentation project build via Sphinx into elasticsearch.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Indexes a documentation project build via Sphinx into elasticsearch. This is a stand-alone extraction of the functionality used by readthedocs.org, compatible with elasticsearch-6.


Set up:

  • Install elasticsearch
  • Install the package: virtualenv --python=python3 .; bin/pip install sphinx_elasticsearch
  • Create index: bin/sphinx-elasticsearch create-index --es-url=http://localhost:9200 --replicas=1 --shards=5 bin/sphinx-elasticsearch put-mapping --es-url=http://localhost:9200

By default we use an index named docs and a document type page, you can customize this via the --index and --type parameters (but you'll need to pass them to all three commands, create-index, put-mapping and index).

Note that you'll probably be better off managing index creation and mapping setup yourself; these two setup commands are more for getting started quickly and out of the box.

Index your sphinx project:

  • Build your project as JSON (for easier parsing): bin/sphinx-build -b json . json-build
  • Index into ES: bin/sphinx-elasticsearch index --es-url=http://localhost:9200 --index=docs json-build (If you pass --commit any previously indexed pages that have been deleted will be removed automatically.)

Elasticsearch Mapping

project:Short name of the project. Clients will use this to construct URLs.
path:Relative path of the page, without extension.
id:Unique identifier (hash of project and path)
commit:Optional, to allow deleting deleted pages on subsequent index runs.
title:Title of the page
headers:List of all headers on the page
content:Body of the page (any HTML markup is stripped by ES)