This repository contains the code used to create all the figures of our paper "Layer rotation: a surprisingly powerful indicator of generalization in deep networks?", by Simon Carbonnelle and Christophe De Vleeschouwer, available on arXiv and presented during the ICML 2019 workshop "Identifying and Understanding Deep Learning Phenomena".
Code structure tries to follow the structure of the paper. I.e.:
- 'A systematic study of layer rotation configurations with Layca' = Section 4
- 'A study of layer rotation in standard training settings' = Section 5
- 'MNIST - 1st layer feature visualization' = Section 6 and are used to load the data and the untrained models corresponding to the 5 tasks used in the experiments. contains the code for recording and visualizing layer rotation curves contains the code to apply Layca on SGD, Adam, RMSprop or Adagrad, and to use layer-wise learning rate multipliers when using SGD. contains utilities to get (optimal) training parameters such as learning rate schedules, learning rate multipliers, stopping criteria and optimizers for training of the five tasks contains utilities such as training curves visualization, one-hot encoding, ...
Code was run with tensorflow-gpu 1.4.0 and keras 2.1.2