
Utility to work with GTA V game files

Primary LanguageC#



Neodymium146 for his work on RageLib

Dexyfex for Codewalker

If you have any question or want to share an improvement, you can join me on discord https://discord.gg/z63cmAe

You must have basic knowledge with command-line to use this tool properly

It is recommended to add GTAUtil folder to your %PATH% for quick access

Extract an rpf archive

gtautil extractarchive --input path\to\archive.rpf --output path\to\outputfolder

Create an rpf archive from a folder, sub-folders with name ending with .rpf will be converted to an rpf archive in the generated rpf

gtautil createarchive --input path\to\inputfolder --output path\to\outputfolder --name dlc

Encrypt an rpf archive

gtautil fixarchive --input path\to\archive.rpf --recursive

Compile gxt2 file data for given language

gtautil compilegxt2 --lang american --output path\to\outputfolder

Extract ytyp mlo rooms to separate ymaps

gtautil extractentities --name '.\hei_dlc_heist_police' --ytyp '.\hei_dlc_heist_police.ytyp' --position 442.42960000,-985.06700000,29.88529000 --rotation 0,0,0,1

It will create a folder named hei_dlc_heist_police and create one ymap per mlo room inside that folder. If there is more than one MLO archetype in the ytyp, you can specify it with --mloname

Inject back ymap entities to ytyp mlo room (this is the opposite of the previous operation)

gtautil injectentities --name 'output\file\name.ytyp' --ymap '\path\to\*.ymap' --ytyp '\path\to\mlo.ytyp' --position 123.12,456.45,789.65 --rotation 0,0,0,1

Note: Output file has to be renamed to the same names as --ytyp parameter for it to work properly in game. I you use custom props you can use the --mods switch, it will load drawable definitions, like this :

gtautil injectentities --name 'output\file\name.ytyp' --ymap 'path\to\*.ymap' --ytyp '\path\to\mlo.ytyp' --position 123.12,456.45,789.65 --rotation 0,0,0,1 --mods 'path\to\*.ydr'

You can also specify MLO name with --mloname

Generate archetype definitions (.ytyp)

gtautil genpropdefs --input 'path\to\*.ydr'

If you want to keep infos from existing ytyp:

gtautil genpropdefs --input 'path\to\*.ydr' --ytyp 'path\to\*.ytyp'

Generate ped definition files for mp freemode including ymt (addon clothing and ped props)

  1. Creating the project (selecting only the base ped definition package)
gtautil genpeddefs --create --output pedproject --targets mp_m_freemode_01,mp_f_freemode_01

mp_m_freemode_01 folder is for ped components and mp_m_freemode_01_p folder is for ped props, same for female.

  1. Place your ydds in the correct project directory following this simple pattern : 0.ydd, 1.ydd, 2.ydd etc...

Start with 0 for every different component / prop

For the textures, in the ydd folders create folders 0, 1, 2 etc... Inside these : 0.ytd, 1.ytd etc...

See example below :


  1. Create the rpf archive structure, reserving 200 drawables for each component and prop
gtautil genpeddefs --input pedproject --output build --reserve 200 --reserveprops 200

Or Create a FiveM resource

gtautil genpeddefs --input pedproject --output build --reserve 200 --reserveprops 200 --fivem
  1. If you are building a normal dlc (for singleplayer or ragemp for example) you have to build the rpf archive from the folder structure
gtautil createarchive --input build --output . --name dlc

if will generate a dlc named gtauclothes (hardcoded for now) so you put the dlc.rpf in dlcpacks/gtauclothes

Generate collision from drawable

  1. Generate static collision
gtautil gencol --input mfile.ydr --output mfile.ybn
  1. Generate embedded collision
gtautil gencol --input mfile.ydr --output file2.ydr
  1. Generate static collision using convex hull algorithm
gtautil gencol --input file.ydr --output file.ybn --mode hull
  1. Various options
gtautil gencol --input file.ydr --output file.ybn --mode hull --smooth 10 --triangles 200

smooth : Number of passes to smooth out mesh

triangles: Max mesh triangles count

Import xml meta

gtautil importmeta --input 'path\to\file.ymap.xml' --directory 'output\directory'

Export meta to xml

gtautil exportmeta --input 'path\to\file.ytyp' --directory 'output\directory'

Find ymap / ytyp / mlo room

gtautil find --position 123.12,456.45,789.65

Rebuild cache from current GTAV installation - Do it after a game update, this will take some time

gtautil buildcache

Remove entity including LOD parenting

gtautil exportmeta --input 'path\to\file.ymap' --directory 'output\directory' --metadata
# Remove one or more entities from the ymap
gtautil importmeta --input 'path\to\file.ymap.xml' --directory 'output\directory' --metadata

Remove LOD lights given position and radius

  1. Create project
gtautil genlodlights --create -o path/to/directory
  1. Remove LOD lights from project (modified files will be in path/to/directory/modified folder)
gtautil genlodlights --delete -i path/to/directory --position 0,0,0 --radius 200

Others specific commands

gtautil help
gtautil appletname help