(G)raph (C)lustering Kit, A project to reach optimal clusterization and classification solution.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For any commercial use, please contact the author 'Zelakolase[at]tuta.io' to get a written permission if needed.
GCKit is a research project to find optimal clusterization and classification algorithm(s). Classification and Clusterization techniques are particularly used in the analysis of Protein-Protein interaction networks, and it is a very active field of research. The project aims to do the following:
- Establish proper grading and indicators for the performance and correctness of any classification algorithm
- Find an optimal algorithm for classification and clusterization highly-connected graphs.
Besides, GCKit has Power Set calculation method, to get significant clusters via bruteforce over the whole graph.
NOTE: This kit is assumes that every input graph is a weighted graph.
Table of contents:
We used Java programming language to build the kit, with SparkDB. All of the source code files will be included inside 'Application/' The source code tries to follow ISO-25010 standard for code quality, to ensure high readability and maintainability.
Name | Function |
Cyclops | Proposed Clusterization algorithm for weighted directed graphs |
Harmonia | Evaluation of the correctness and performance for any clusterization process |
Check the README of each application for more information about these applications. All of the source code exists in 'Application/'
All of the commands must be executed in 'Application/src/'
- Build classfile:
$ javac App.java
- Run classfile:
$ java app
Go to Application/README.md
for more information about the code
Morad A., E-mail: Zelakolase[at]tuta.io, website: zelakolase.neocities.org