This is backend API for the BOOK_APPOINTMENT-Front-End UI, built with Ruby-on-Rails and Postgresql. This API manages reservations for car test runs across various locations.
- Ruby version 3.1.2
- Rails (RoR) version 7.0.4
- Postgresql
- Rubocop
You can access the Live version and use the API via this link.
You can access the front-end of this application via this link.
Kanban Board link Initial state of the Kanban Board:
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
- You should have Ruby installed on your computer.
- You should also have Rails installed on your computer.
- Clone this repository into your computer by running the following command in your terminal:
> git clone
> cd book-appointment-backend
- Run this command in the cloned directory, to install required gems:
> bundle install
- Then create the posgreSQL database needed for this app, run the migrations and seed data with the following commands:
> rails db:create
> rails db:migrate
> rails db:seed
- Run
Rubocop -A
and fix linters errors, if any.
- Run the project in your browser:
rails server
- To run tests, Run the following command on your terminal
rake rswag
The above endpoint permits you to see all cars available for reservation. Checkout the api documentation below for the other endpoints.
Visit this endpoint to see a complete documentation of all available endpoints for this API. We hope this helps you find your way around our API.
👤 Assad Isah
- GitHub: @nottherealalanturing
- LinkedIn: Assad Isah
👤 Emirjeta Veisllari
- GitHub: @myelin0
- Twitter: @Amy_Albania
- LinkedIn: @Emirjeta Veisllari
👤 Jahongir Yusupov
- GitHub: @Jahongir
- LinkedIn: jahongir-yusupov
- Twitter: JahongirYusup13
👤 Zelalem Fissha
- GitHub: @Zelalem1222
- LinkedIn: zelalemfissha
- Twitter: Zelalem52236790
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Coding Partners
- Hat tip to Microverse
- We acknowledge Murat Korkmaz on Behance for designing the wireframe used in this project.
This project is MIT licensed.