
superseriousstats config for the DesertBus community IRC chat

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superseriousstats config for the DesertBus community IRC chat

Stats hosted at stats.dbcommunity.org


Symlink parser_weechat.php to your superseriousstats directory

ln -s /path/to/sss_desertbus/parser_weechat.php /path/to/superseriousstats/parser_weechat.php

Symlink vars.php to your stats website directory

ln -s /path/to/sss_config/vars.php /path/to/sss_www/vars.php

Add generation script and database backup to cron (every 3 hours and at 00:10 every day respectively)

crontab -e

0 */3 * * * /path/to/sss_desertbus/genStats.sh

10 0 * * * logrotate --state /path/to/sss_desertbus/logrotate.status /path/to/sss_desertbus/logrotate.conf

running superseriousstats

Split single .weechatlog file into daily .weechatlogs

splitLogs.py -f /path/to/.weechatlog -p /path/to/daily/logs/newserver.desertbus. -s .weechatlog

Import new daily logs, and generate stats page

php -d memory_limit=512M sss.php -c /path/to/sss_desertbus/desertbus.conf -i /path/to/daily/logs -o ~/path/to/sss_www/index.html

Export nick aliases file

php sss.php -c /path/to/sss_desertbus/desertbus.conf -e /path/to/sss_desertbus/nick_aliases.txt

Import nick aliases file

php sss.php -c /path/to/sss_desertbus/desertbus.conf -n /path/to/sss_desertbus/nick_aliases.txt