
NodeJS Module for Electron Minecraft launcher

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NodeJS Module for Electron Minecraft launcher

Avantages 💫

EMC-Core is a upgrade of minecraft-launcher-core dev by Pierce01

  • Auto check & downloading compatible java version
  • Support 100% custom minecraft version
  • Work with ftp without any zip file, juste drop folder in your ftp
  • Auto check & delete file with bad hash & size

Install Client

Quick Start ⚡

git clone https://github.com/Zeldown/EMC-Core-quick-start.git
cd EMC-Core-quick-start
npm install
npm start

Installation 📦

npm install emc-core

Usage 🚩

Require library

const { MCAuth, MCLaunch } = require('emc-core');

Create and Init launcher var MCLaunch

const launcher = new MCLaunch();

Authentification 🔒


let authenticator;

MCAuth.auth(username, password).then(user => {
  authenticator = user;
}).catch(error => {

username => The email of mojang account

password => The password of mojang account


const user = {
  access_token: uuid(),
  client_token: uuid(),
  uuid: uuid(),
  name: username,
  user_properties: JSON.stringify({})



Launch 🚀


let opts = {
  url: "http://zeldown.com/emc-core/",
  overrides: {
    detached: false
  authorization: authenticator,
  root: "C:/Users/guill/AppData/Roaming/.emc-core",
  version: "1.15.2",
  forge: "1.15.2-forge-31.2.0",
  checkFiles: true,
  memory: {
      max: "6G",
      min: "4G"
Option Type Description Required
url String Url of files to download true
authorization Authentificator The authentificator variable get when MCAuto true
root String The path to minecraft directory true
version String The version of minecraft true
checkFiles Boolean Check or not file to delete true
forge String The name of used forge false
memory Array The informations of memory, contains max and min false



Debugging 🐛

To get debug use launcher.on('xxx', (e) => ...)


call when a debug log is print by Minecraft

launcher.on('debug', (e) => console.log("[DEBUG]" + e));


call when a data log is print by Minecraft

launcher.on('data', (e) => console.log("[DATA]" + e));


call when a error log is print by Minecraft

launcher.on('error', (e) => console.log("[ERROR]" + e));


call when a download file progress

launcher.on('download-status', (e) => {
  //update progress bar
Name Type Description
name String The name of current file is downloading
type String The type of file (assets, natives, java, mods, ...)
currentDownloadedBytes int The count of bytes downloaded of file
currentBytesToDownload int The count of bytes to download of file
downloadedBytes int The count of bytes downloaded of folder
bytesToDownload int The count of bytes to download of folder
downloadFiles int The count of file downloaded of folder
filesToDownload int The count of file to download of folder


call when a verification of files progress

launcher.on('verification-status', (e) => {
  //update verification bar
Name Type Description
name String The url of verified file
current int The count of files checked
total int The count of files to check


call when Minecraft start launching

launcher.on('launch', (e) => {
  //Minecraft start

Install Server 🚧

🚨 You must have a web hosting

PreBuild Server Version

  1. Download EMC-Core-Server of your version at https://github.com/Zeldown/EMC-Core/releases
  2. Extract archive on your computer
  3. In EMC-Core-Server/files put your files to download (mods, config, etc). Default files in folder is mandatory (assets, libraries, natives, versions)
  4. Put the folder EMC-Core-Server to your web hosting (exemple: upload folder EMC-Core-Server at https://exemple.com/)
  5. Set url option of launch options to url of content of EMC-Core-Server (exemple: https://exemple.com/EMC-Core-Server)
let opts = {
  url: url_of_emc-core-server,

Build EMC-Core-Server with builder.js

  1. Clone EMC-Core project at https://github.com/Zeldown/EMC-Core
  2. Extract archive on your computer
  3. Go into emc-core extracted folder
  4. run npm i
  5. run node utils/builder.js --version="@version" --path="@path"
Name Type Description
@version String The name of minecraft vanilla version (e.g. 1.15.2)
@path String The full path where build will be created (path must be exists)

Build custom EMC-Core-Server

  1. Create a folder with the file reader.php
  2. Create a folder java
  3. Put an archive of java named java.zip in java folder (exemple : java.zip)
  4. Create a folder files
  5. Put all files of minecraft in folder files like assets, library, natives, mods, versions
  6. Put your custom folder to your web hosting (exemple: upload folder My-Version at https://exemple.com/)
  7. Set url option of launch options to url of content of custom folder (exemple: https://exemple.com/My-Version)
let opts = {
  url: url_of_your_uploaded_version,

EMC-Core-Server schema

Here is a schema of a classic emc-core-server archive


EMC-Core-Server with forge

  1. Build a vanilla emc-core-server version with the base version of your forge (e.g. 1.15.2)
  2. Add your forge version files (@forge_version.json & @forge_version.jar) into EMC-Core-Server/versions/@forge_version (e.g. versions/1.15.2-forge-31.2.0/)
  3. Add forge libraries into EMC-Core-Server/libraries

(natives & assets are same in vanilla and forge version)

Credits 🎉

Based on code of Pierce01 ❤️

Special thanks to Faustin#8347 for code help & readme review

Thanks to Relax#3333 for funding