Android with Arduino - Bluetooth
Arduino and Android classes to easily connect your mobile device with an Arduino board. With the example bellow, we can send a message to Android using Arduino. Read more here:
I had tested this lib with BC417 module, but I believe that this class works with major part of modules, because all of them use the same protocol. If you test other module, working or not, please, just start a new issue here to help me. If you have any problem, start an issue here too that I will try to help you.
Android Example (Using Processing)
import com.aronbordin.*;
/*make sure to use the same name of the robot.
And check if it's paired with your device */
BluetoothArduino mBlue = BluetoothArduino.getInstance("ExampleRobot");
void setup(){
void draw(){
String msg = mBlue.getLastMessage();
text(msg, 100, 100);
Arduino Example
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "bluetooth.h"
Bluetooth *blue = new Bluetooth("ExampleRobot");
void setup(){
void loop(){
String msg = blue->Read();
if(msg.length() > 1){
Serial.print("Received: ");
blue->Send("Example message#");
Arduino class reference
int getrxPin(); Get the RX Pin
void setrxPin(int rx); Set the RX Pin
int gettxPin(); Get the TX Pin
void settxPin(int tx); Set the TX Pin
void setupBluetooth(); Run it on setup(). It will configure all bluetooth prefenreces for you. After run it, you cannot change any settings of your bluetooth, like pin, or name
Bluetooth(char name[]); Create a Bluetooth object with the name
Bluetooth(char name[], int r, int t); Create a Bluetooth object with the name and pins
String Read(); Read char by char the data receive
void Send(char c[]); Send a string to any connected deive
*char getName(); Get the device name
void setName(char c[]); Set the device name
Android class reference
Important! This class will read char by char until get the delimiter char(a char that represents the end of the string). By default is '#', but you can chage it with setDelimiter(char d);
BluetoothArduino getInstance(String n); Get/Create a Bluetooth instance with the robot name. The name provided will be used in the connection
boolean isBluetoothEnabled(); Check if the device bluetooth is enabled
boolean Connect(); Connect to the Arduino board.
boolean hasMensagem(int i); Check if had already received a message
String getMenssage(int i); Get the Message by ID
void clearMessages(); Clear all messages
int countMessages(); Count messages
String getLastMessage(); Get the last message received
void SendMessage(String msg); Send a message to the Arduino
char getDelimiter(); Get the end message character
void setDelimiter(char d); Set the end message character