- simplifies resources deployment on AWS with GO and AWS CDK.
- Install AWS CDK
- Bootstrap AWS account
- Create empty directory
- Initialize CDK application
cdk init app --language go
- Edit
file to usecdker
framework go mod tidy
cdk deploy
Deploy ec2 instance from the example folder:
- Install AWS CDK
- Bootstrap AWS account
- Create empty directory and copy all files from example/webservers to it
- Edit the
andimported ssh key name
go mod tidy
cdk deploy
package main
import (
func main() {
app := stack.New().SetStack("xxxxxxxxxx", stack.WithCredentials("xxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxx"))
func deploy2WebServers(app stack.Stack) stack.DeployStack {
// define a single instance
webServer := instance.InstanceSpec{
Class: instance.InstanceClass_T3,
Size: instance.InstanceSize_SMALL,
SubnetType: instance.SubnetType_PUBLIC,
// Default instance is Ubuntu20.04 and default VPC
//AMI: instance.Ubuntu20,
//VPC: instance.VPCDefault,
AssociatePubIP: true,
StorageSpecs: []instance.StorageSpec{
Size: 30,
Name: "/dev/sdf",
DeleteOnTermination: true,
VolumeType: instance.EBSVolumeType_GP2,
Encrypted: false,
SecurityGroupSpecs: []instance.SecurityGroupSpec{
Name: "http",
PeerSpec: instance.PeerAnyIpv4(),
PortSpec: instance.PortTcp(80),
AllowFromSelf: false,
Name: "https",
PeerSpec: instance.PeerAnyIpv4(),
PortSpec: instance.PortTcp(443),
AllowFromSelf: false,
// mount EBS volume on boot
BashUserData: []string{
"mkdir /home/ubuntu/data",
"yes | mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme1n1",
"mount /dev/nvme1n1 /home/ubuntu/data",
"uuid=$(sudo blkid /dev/nvme1n1 | sed -n 's/.*UUID=\\\"\\([^\\\"]*\\)\\\".*/\\1/p')",
"bash -c \"echo 'UUID=${uuid} /home/ubuntu/data ext4 defaults' >> /etc/fstab\"",
"sudo chown -R ubuntu. /home/ubuntu/data",
// replace VM if user data changes
UserDataCausesReplacement: true,
// clone instance x number of times
webServers := webServer.Clone(2)
return instance.New(app.GetStack(), func(o *instance.Options) {
o.InstanceNamePrefix = "example"
o.SSHKeySpecs = &instance.SSHKeySpecs{
// ssh key is already imported, we just reference its name
Name: "ssh-key-name",
o.InstanceSpec = webServers