
Org-Babel support for evaluating erlang source code.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Org-Babel support for evaluating erlang source code.


Clone repository and put ob-erlang.el in your Emacs load path.


git clone https://github.com/xfwduke/ob-erlang

Put in path

Add ob-erlang.el to your load path. Example:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-packages")

Then copy file ob-erlang.el to ~/.emacs.d/site-packages

Configure Babel

(require 'ob-erlang)
    '((erlang . t)))

Additional Code Block Parameters

-compile(export_all). will be auto inserted into code during compile phase if no -export([]). line in the code.


Specify module name for erlang code. It will be omitted if the code contained -module(ModuleName).

#+BEGIN_SRC erlang :module tryerlang
start() ->
	io:format("hello world").

: hello world

If no module name is specified by any of the above means, then a default module name of m is used.


Specify entry function to eval erlang code. Erlang's default entry function is start/0.

#+BEGIN_SRC erlang :module notstart :start main
main() ->
	io:format("entry is main/0").

: entry is main/0

with out :module and :start

#+BEGIN_SRC erlang
start() ->
	io:format("say hello").

: say hello


Specify erlang node long-name


Specify cookie for -setcookie