Idena node proxy Website Fork

This is a fork of Idena node proxy used for shared nodes.
It incorporates a website with a rudimentary marketplace for API keys while still allowing shared node operation.
Nginx can be used to get it running.

Below is the README from the original repo.

Install all dependencies npm i

Start the local server npm run dev

Run as Docker

You can build your own docker file or get image from idena/node-proxy:latest or by tag idena/node-proxy:v1.1.2

Docker compose example

version: "3.8"
    image: idena/node-proxy:v1.1.2
    restart: always
      - "3000:3000"
      - ./config.json:/home/node/app/config.json
      - ./access.log:/home/node/app/access.log
      NODE_ENV: "production"


To configure proxy you can use config.json file or set custom path with CONFIG_PATH environmental variable.

Log can have stdout or file output.

Default configuration:

    "port": 3000,
    "rateLimit": {
        "windowMs": 1000,
        "max": 10
    "apiKeys": [],
    "remoteKeys": {
        "enabled": false,
        "url": null,
        "authorization": null,
        "interval": 300000
    "godApiKey": null,
    "check": {
        "key": "check-status-key",
        "methods": [
    "node": {
        "url": null,
        "key": null
    "logs": {
        "output": "stdout",
        "format": ":date[iso] - :apiKey - :status - :response-time ms - :body - :res[content-length]",
        "file": "access.log"
    "methods": [

Remote keys

You can use remoteKeys parameter to update the list of api keys from a specific URL automatically. Example:

    "remoteKeys": {
        "enabled": true,
        "url": "http://localhost:1234/my-api-keys",
        "authorization": null,
        "interval": 300000

The node will call the url at the specific intervals defined in the interval parameter in milliseconds. The URL has to provide json response with array of keys as follows:

["key1", "key2", "keyN"]

Use authorization parameter with authorization header if needed.

Old .env configuration

You can use these environmental variables to configure proxy. Better to use config.json file instead.

PORT=<proxy port>
IDENA_URL=<idena node url>
IDENA_KEY=<idena node api key>
AVAILABLE_KEYS=[<available static api keys here>]
GOD_API_KEY=<unlimited api key>
REMOTE_KEYS_URL=<url to fetch remote api keys (replaces static keys)>
REMOTE_KEYS_AUTH=<auth header for fetching query>