- The Game of Zenet
- The original Senet game
- Zenet: The Modern Version
- Implementation Details
- Records and Transitions Diagram
- How to Build
- Sample Gameplay
Senet is one of the oldest known board games, originating in ancient Egypt around 3100 BCE. It was a popular game among all social classes, from pharaohs to commoners.
Senet boards have been found in tombs, including the tomb of Tutankhamun, indicating its cultural significance and association with the afterlife.
It's a two-player game, played on a rectangular board with 30 squares arranged in three rows of ten. Each player has five pawns, which they move across the board according to the roll of casting sticks or dice.
The objective is to be the first player to move all their pawns off the board, symbolizing the journey through the afterlife. Players must navigate through a series of special squares with unique properties or rules, representing various stages of the afterlife journey. Some squares allow players to move forward, some send players back, and some block movement entirely.
If a player rolls a 1, 4, or 5 on the dice, they are granted an additional turn, which they can take immediately after completing their current turn. This continues until the player rolls either a 2 or 3, at which point the other player takes their turn.
In Zenet, there's an added element of mystery and magic, as pieces can become invisible after landing on the 15th tile, known as the House of Second Life.
This new rule of invisibility increases the complexity and strategy of the game, as players must adapt their moves and tactics based on hidden information.
To maintain privacy and ensure fair gameplay, Zenet uses zero-knowledge proofs to verify the legality of moves without revealing the actual positions of the invisible pieces.
Using zero-knowledge proofs in Zenet adds an extra layer of intrigue and excitement, as players must constantly adapt to the hidden aspects of the game and make strategic decisions based on incomplete information.
- Privacy: Players' moves involving invisible pieces remain hidden, preserving the element of mystery and surprise throughout the game.
- Security: Zero-knowledge proofs protect against cheating, ensuring that all moves are legal and follow the rules of the game without disclosing sensitive information.
- Trust: The use of cryptographic techniques like zero-knowledge proofs establishes trust between players, as they can be confident that their opponent is not gaining an unfair advantage.
Zenet boards are represented by 32-bit unsigned integers. The first 30 bits represent the 30 cells in a Zenet board.
We use two 32-bit integers:
means the cell is empty,1
means the cell is occupied. -
means the occupant is Player 1,1
means it's Player 2.
When referring to individual cells, we use a 8-bit integer, with the following convention:
: Empty cell1u8
: Player 12u8
: Player 2
For both cell_state
and cell_occ
, the less-significant bit (LSB) represents the first tile or cell, while the most-significant bit (MSB) represents the last one.
The board's initial configuration is always the same: each player starts with five game pieces, which are placed alternately in the first ten cells of the board.
So, the initial values for cell_state
and cell_occupant
, are as follows:
The state of the game is kept on-chain with the help of two different records:
A Board
record that represents a Zenet board.
An InvisiblePieces
record, that represents the invisible pieces for each player.
The ownership of the Board
is determined by the player whose turn is next, This means that both players are aware of the positions of each other's visible pieces, but not their invisible pieces.
For that reason, each player must keep track of their own invisible pieces. To ensure fairness and prevent cheating, the positions of these invisible pieces are kept private using an InvisiblePieces
record for each player.
record Board {
owner: address,
gates: u64,
cell_state: u32,
cell_occ: u32,
p1: address,
p2: address
record InvisiblePieces {
owner: address,
gates: u64,
positions: u32
There are two different transitions implemented in the game of Zenet:
: Creates a newBoard
and twoInvisiblePieces
records, one for each player.move()
: Consumes aBoard
record, anInvisiblePieces
record, an origin cell and a dice roll and generates an updatedBoard
record, along with an updatedInvisiblePieces
record for the current player.
transition new(
opponent: address
) -> (Board, InvisiblePieces, InvisiblePieces)
transition move(
origin_cell: u8,
dice: u8,
board: Board,
ip: InvisiblePieces
) -> (Board, InvisiblePieces)
To compile this Leo program, run:
leo build
In order to play Zenet, there must be two players with a single board. Players will be represented by their Aleo address. You can use the provided player accounts or generate your own.
Player 1:
Private Key APrivateKey1zkpBUbGmWy43eKufUDiyHJc4VNMofLWBi1CgTq9GxoqNA3H
View Key AViewKey1eN3KuiU4bHKDJo5yM3WXm9RZWkg9hBPxG6yyKe6rnKJh
Address aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3
Player 2:
Private Key APrivateKey1zkp7pHk17hq6cWoKQWJxAzHPwCupD6RECDjQZJk8t12BdEn
View Key AViewKey1ouyBkb64s8m6BnBf1e6ibVUpL2Bx28mgVFLwD9ndbQK3
Address aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj
Save the keys and addresses. Set the program.json
private_key and address to one of the newly created aleo accounts. We'll refer to this address as Player 1, and the remaining address as Player 2.
"program": "zenet.aleo",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "",
"development": {
"private_key": "APrivateKey1zkpBUbGmWy43eKufUDiyHJc4VNMofLWBi1CgTq9GxoqNA3H",
"view_key": "AViewKey1eN3KuiU4bHKDJo5yM3WXm9RZWkg9hBPxG6yyKe6rnKJh",
"address": "aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3"
"license": "MIT"
Player 1 executes the new()
transition with Player 2's address as a parameter:
export PLAYER2_ADDRESS=aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj
leo run new $PLAYER2_ADDRESS
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/new'...
• Executed 'new' (in 3596 ms)
⛓ Constraints
• 'zenet.aleo/new' - 5,301 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Outputs
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 1023u32.private,
cell_occ: 682u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 7210918210391669260639851365122112056150882955833617507636357358503179831132group.public
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 310761922771395682817152413480995110831108802421135276464640650379690467960group.public
• {
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 5063847865665357518111995648660364483466979801476404664891309029800811580865group.public
Leo ✅ Executed 'zenet.aleo/new'
There are three outputs here: the Board
record, owned by Player 1, and two InvisiblePieces
records, owned by Player 1 and Player 2, respectively. Notice that the values for cell_state
and cell_occ
in the Board
record are 1023u32
and 682u32
, respectively. These correspond to the initial board arrangement (see Implementation Details above).
Suppose that Player 1 rolls a 3 on the dice and wishes to move the game piece currently located on cell #9 to cell #12.
This is the resulting board after this move is executed:
leo run move 9u8 3u8 "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 1023u32.private,
cell_occ: 682u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 7890800848858615990577674120820649470995847806539552791604837931200094078541group.public
}" "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 1260228892496565700320197992505338749301641373211925149244050801561814298023group.public
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executed 'move' (in 7379 ms)
⛓ Constraints
• 'zenet.aleo/move' - 55,450 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Outputs
• {
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 2815u32.private,
cell_occ: 682u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 1409934603180638244566442530640648112189863997136401773590924503827538382529group.public
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 3342391348509252132638747362471767332582120143448787704921363163570949568794group.public
Leo ✅ Executed 'zenet.aleo/move'
After processing the turn, two records are produced. The first record is the updated Board
record, which reflects the new positions of the pieces on the board. This record is owned by Player 2, as it is now their turn to play. The second record is an InvisiblePieces
record, belonging to Player 1, who must keep the positions of their invisible pieces private.
It's now Player 2's turn to play. Suppose they roll a 2 on the dice and wish to move their piece to cell #12, but find that this cell is already occupied by a piece belonging to Player 1. Because the piece on cell #12 is unprotected, Player 2 may opt to exchange the positions of the two pieces, moving their own piece to cell #12 and Player 1's piece to cell #10. This move is legal according to the rules of the game and can be a strategic advantage for Player 2, as they are able to displace their opponent's piece and occupy a more favorable position on the board.
This is the resulting board after this move is executed:
We must run the program as Player 2, so let's switch the program.json
file to use Player 2's keys:
"program": "zenet.aleo",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "",
"development": {
"private_key": "APrivateKey1zkp7pHk17hq6cWoKQWJxAzHPwCupD6RECDjQZJk8t12BdEn",
"view_key": "AViewKey1ouyBkb64s8m6BnBf1e6ibVUpL2Bx28mgVFLwD9ndbQK3",
"address": "aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj"
"license": "MIT"
leo run move 10u8 2u8 "{
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 2815u32.private,
cell_occ: 682u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 1004757177813353300822404771547701633947006730478073655279174959646155183747group.public
}" "{
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 1464789014133543903436410348591640130929288960599214445445608713474398327142group.public
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executed 'move' (in 7733 ms)
⛓ Constraints
• 'zenet.aleo/move' - 55,450 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Outputs
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 2815u32.private,
cell_occ: 2218u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 1039118141875097626328197633966104112998758183168296489726732103100390161461group.public
• {
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 4374165097099060839041382712567463929743439389720416064428914179105778454589group.public
Leo ✅ Executed 'zenet.aleo/move'
Again, two records are produced. The first record is the updated Board
record, belonging to Player 1, while the second one is an InvisiblePieces
record, belonging to Player 2.
Now it's Player 1's turn. Let's suppose they roll a 2 on the dice and wish to move their piece on cell #7 to cell #9.
This is the resulting board after this move is executed:
leo run move 7u8 2u8 "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 2815u32.private,
cell_occ: 2218u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 5863476156890724550843040600428608701027004669580939694903504655995771483413group.public
}" "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 1260228892496565700320197992505338749301641373211925149244050801561814298023group.public
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executed 'move' (in 7045 ms)
⛓ Constraints
• 'zenet.aleo/move' - 59,181 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Outputs
• {
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 3007u32.private,
cell_occ: 2218u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 5924825164096275999518163638519620290922331322518022937766238262108688003843group.public
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 3804515084251780732939555160317666989738405585247487127746964254480400932726group.public
Leo ✅ Executed 'zenet.aleo/move'
Once again, two records are produced. The first record is the updated Board
record belonging to Player 2, while the second one is an InvisiblePieces
record, belonging to Player 1.
After Player 1 completes their turn, it is now Player 2's turn to play. Player 2 rolls a 3 on the dice and decides to move their game piece from cell #6 to cell #9. However, this move is found to be invalid because Player 1's pieces in cells 9 and 10 are protected due to their adjacency (in the game, a piece is considered protected if it is adjacent to another piece belonging to the same player). This means that Player 2's attempted move is blocked and they must choose a different move that does not violate this rule. This rule adds an element of strategy and challenge to the game, as players must consider the positioning of their pieces on the board and plan their moves accordingly in order to gain an advantage over their opponents.
leo run move 6u8 3u8 "{
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 3007u32.private,
cell_occ: 2218u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 6036362203879019831447420913205711606507044057841403559941745037099209138823group.public
}" "{
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 1464789014133543903436410348591640130929288960599214445445608713474398327142group.public
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
Error [ECLI0377010]: Failed to execute the `aleo run` command.
SnarkVM Error: Failed to evaluate instruction (assert.eq r42 true ;): 'assert.eq' failed: 'false' is not equal to 'true' (should be equal)
After making an invalid move, Player 2 must attempt a different move using the same dice roll. In this instance, they opt to move their game piece from cell #12 to cell #15, which is a special cell known as the "House of Second Life". Pieces that land on this cell become invisible and their position is only known to the owner from that point onward.
This is the resulting board after this move is executed:
leo run move 12u8 3u8 "{
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 3007u32.private,
cell_occ: 2218u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 6036362203879019831447420913205711606507044057841403559941745037099209138823group.public
}" "{
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 1464789014133543903436410348591640130929288960599214445445608713474398327142group.public
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executed 'move' (in 7174 ms)
⛓ Constraints
• 'zenet.aleo/move' - 59,181 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Outputs
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 959u32.private,
cell_occ: 170u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 6329222012009502731914383586062108794774340284056795796749360978658197690527group.public
• {
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 16384u32.private,
_nonce: 7111763228423710473885988355976691546381133536667901398255866537268004686626group.public
Leo ✅ Executed 'zenet.aleo/move'
After the last move, a new InvisiblePieces
record is generated. This record contains information about the positions of Player 2's invisible pieces on the board. In this case, the record shows a value of 16384u32
for the positions
field, which indicates that there is an invisible piece belonging to Player 2 on cell #15. Additionally, the Board
record is updated to reflect the current state of the game. The cell_state
and cell_occ
fields indicate that there is no visible piece on cell #15, as it is currently occupied by the invisible piece belonging to Player 2.
Let's now add some excitement to the game. Suppose Player 1 rolls a 5 on the dice and chooses to move their piece from cell #10 to cell #15. It's important to recall that an invisible piece belonging to Player 2 is already present on cell #15 from the last move. However, unless Player 1 has been attentive, they may have forgotten about this invisible piece.
This is the resulting board after this move is executed:
leo run move 10u8 5u8 "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 959u32.private,
cell_occ: 170u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 3971141806004630156214927014705437696910167048885340997783637456580646347901group.public
}" "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 0u32.private,
_nonce: 2790178789406900946219076845702115358906487119661751887534651560275067222863group.public
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executed 'move' (in 8106 ms)
⛓ Constraints
• 'zenet.aleo/move' - 59,181 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Outputs
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 447u32.private,
cell_occ: 170u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 7769042611050190294974343034557510933207627529964258831433594565056569408217group.public
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 16384u32.private,
_nonce: 5974742664547790682016444657430980112198406410772925275014173050789810161449group.public
Leo ✅ Executed 'zenet.aleo/move'
Notice that now that Player 1 has also invisible pieces, the positions
field in the InvisiblePieces
record is no longer 0u32
Player 1's turn has come around again, as they rolled a 5 in accordance with the rules of the game (see The original Senet game above). Suppose they now roll a 3 and choose to move their game piece from cell #15 to cell #18.
This is the resulting board after this move is executed:
leo run move 15u8 3u8 "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 447u32.private,
cell_occ: 170u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 6953544847073588504911484642740252760443414457882456614014267802834665825998group.public
}" "{
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 16384u32.private,
_nonce: 5534725919850591397624943268698904780675877366552744519372352966937424067149group.public
🚀 Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executing 'zenet.aleo/move'...
• Executed 'move' (in 7018 ms)
⛓ Constraints
• 'zenet.aleo/move' - 59,181 constraints (called 1 time)
➡️ Outputs
• {
owner: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
cell_state: 447u32.private,
cell_occ: 170u32.private,
p1: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
p2: aleo1qttvkxx3expu6ueqlwrydt7v0xjpqzmayeqsqlyha8d74u6q5srqfun7cj.private,
_nonce: 549618835837952272690607585964045235474523446997989471415578705992395385220group.public
• {
owner: aleo172xc22y5jfzun0ezw7yfc55203sy6ufdvcugysqdw2ajpw86uc9q57enk3.private,
gates: 0u64.private,
positions: 131072u32.private,
_nonce: 5514577450851620812996702835257166272839993045599329622088981949580879377389group.public
Leo ✅ Executed 'zenet.aleo/move'
Please keep in mind the following points:
- The
fields in theBoard
record remain unchanged after the piece is moved. This is because the moved piece is invisible and has no visual impact on the board. - The
field in theInvisiblePieces
record now displays the value131072u32
, indicating the presence of an invisible piece in cell #18. This value is computed as 2^(18-1).