
Opensource tooling used at Zenika Labs

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT

Labs Tooling

This repository is dedicated to sharing tools used and/or developed at Zenika Labs.

Each directory contains a tool or a guide with a corresponding README.

Pull requests are welcome!


TO deploy the infrastructure with kubernetes we need:

  • Create the GCS bucket to store the tf state
# With the -b on flag, versioning is enabled for the bucket
gsutil mb -p zenika-lbas -c STANDARD -l europe-west1 -b on gs://zenika-labs-bucket-tfstate/
  • Use the service account terraform-automation if not exist create it using the following script:
chmod +x scripts/iam-binding.sh
sh scripts/iam-binding.sh
  • Enable Service Usage API
gcloud services enable serviceusage.googleapis.com --project=zenika-labs
gcloud services enable storage.googleapis.com --project=zenika-labs
gcloud services enable container.googleapis.com --project=zenika-labs
gcloud services enable compute.googleapis.com --project=zenika-labs
gcloud services enable iam.googleapis.com --project=zenika-labs