
PAGIEL est un outil de monitoring d'indicateurs environnementaux d'un projet web, fait pour être intégré dans des pipelines de déploiement continu.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


🇫🇷 Voir la documentation en français

Automated Generation of Software Environmental Indicators

License: GNU GPL


Presentation of the project

Today, there are many tools for measuring environmental impacts. However, most of these tools are intended to be used on a one-time basis and manually. The objective of PAGIEL is to allow the use of these tools throughout the development of a web project, by making it possible to use them from the CI/CD pipelines. PAGIEL makes it possible to use four open source web projects such as GreenIT Analysis, SiteSpeed, Yellow Lab Tools and PowerAPI from a GitLab runner, by being able to configure the expectations on all or part of the indicators reported by the platform, and to stop the deployment pipeline in case of a problem with one of the monitored indicators.



  • docker-compose
  • python (install script only)

Getting started

  • Clone the repo online
  • Copy the .env.example file to the .env file
  • Change the username/password pairs
  • Launch docker-compose up, this will launch the InfluxDB container which is designed to run permanently
  • Connect to influxdb (by default: http://localhost:8086) to get the organization id (in the url following the connection http://localhost:8086/orgs/<org id>) and the connection token (data -> API Token), and fill in the corresponding environment variables
  • Run the setup.sh script. It will create some configuration files needed for the other containers from the .env file. It will also start the Grafana container which will run permanantly afterward

This project uses git submodules, they are only useful if you want to build local docker images. They can be setup with the script setup-local.sh.

Gitlab runner

The runner is installed directly on the machine (see Gitlab runner)

Example of gitlab runner configuration

concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0

  session_timeout = 1800

  name = "eco-runner"
  url = "https://gitlab.com"
  token = "token"
  executor = "shell"


Input files

From the example file input/urls.yaml-default, build the file input/urls.yaml which lists the URLs to analyze. The file is in YAML format. (Warning: the .yml extension will not work) Its structure is as follows:

Paramètre Type Obligatoire Description
url string Yes URL of the page to analyze
name string Yes Name of the page to analyze, displayed in the report
waitForSelector string No Waits for the HTML element defined by the CSS selector to be visible
waitForXPath string No Waits for the HTML element defined by the XPath to be visible
waitForNavigation string No Waits for the end of the page loading. 4 possible values : load, domcontentloaded, networkidle0, networkidle2
screenshot string No Take a screenshot of the page to analyze. The value to fill in is the name of the screenshot. The screenshot is taken even if the page is loading in error.
actions list No Performs a series of actions before analyzing the page
final_url string No Final URL of the page after loading
cookie_btn string No Selector to close the cookie popup
require map No Generates a junit report, more information in the dedicated section

For more details on the configuration of the actions see GreenIT analysis documentation

Standalone usage

  • Fill the file input/urls.yaml with a list of url to test
  • Run the pagiel.sh script

This script has several options

Option Description
-P Disable PowerAPI for testing
-G Disable GreenIt Analysis CLI for testing
-S Disable Sitespeed for testing
-Y Disable Yellow Lab Tools for testing
-F Disable Robot Framework for testing
-R Do not generate a report for the test
-d Test a single docker container image
-D Test a docker-compose file
--docker-front-container Name of the front-end container to test (default test-container)
--docker-port Port to connect to for the front (default: 80)
--docker-image Name of the image to test (required with -d, useless otherwise)
--docker-compose-file Name of the docker-compose file to test (required with -D, useless otherwise)

For the image test, it is necessary that the image is accessible online (it is always possible to connect to a private docker repository). For the docker-compose test, it is necessary that the project starts with a simple docker-compose up. To avoid risks of port overlap with those used by the project, a python script removes all ports attributes from the service definition. Also, in order for the project's containers to have access to the containers exposing the front-end, it is necessary that this one is on the default network, which will be redefined by the python script to connect to the project's network.

To use the images built localy, set the environnement variable DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTIONS='--file docker-compose.yml --file scripts/docker-compose-local.yml'

Through CI/CD

Here is an example script of a gitlab pipeline:

eco test:
  stage: eco
    - eco
    GIT_STRATEGY: none
    - initialDirectory=$(pwd)
    - echo "$URLS" > ./input/urls.yaml
    - ./pagiel.sh
    - cp reports/reports/report.xml $initialDirectory
    when: always
        - report.xml


  • stage: eco is a personalized stage
  • The tag eco is the tag of the runner
  • The cd at the beginning of the script puts the runner in the project directory
  • We store in a variable the folder of the runner in order to copy the report
  • $URL contains the yaml input file (see here)
  • $PROJECT_DIRECTORY is the folder where the project is installed on the runner's machine

JUnit report

A report in junit format is written if the require key is present on one of the tests to be performed. This report can be retrieved by the runner if it is moved to the runner's folder. This report indicates the results of assertions made on the indicators recovered during the tests. The exhaustive list of these indicators is available here. By default, no assertion is made on the indicators. To add one, it is necessary to specify the category and the name of the indicator, as well as one or more assertions to be verified. The list of available comparisons is as follows: ">", "=>", "==", "<=", "!=".

An example of a test configuration:

- url: https://example.com/
 name: Example
       ">=": 80
     cssCount: # many assertions can be performed on the same indicator
       ">=": 2
       "<=": 5


To use pagiel behind a proxy, set the variable HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY from the .env file, and the set the environnement variable DOCKER_COMPOSE_OPTIONS='--file docker-compose.yml --file scripts/docker-compose.proxy.yml'.



Performance monitoring and analysis in a browser


To carry out this type of analysis we have chosen Sitespeed IO which is composed of a set of measurement tools. This tool exploits the data exposed by the browser debuggers. We find all the information necessary to the realization of metrics: performance, timing, networks, resources, etc. Supported browsers are : Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari.


This tool can be used in standalone locally via docker or in a CI/CD pipeline in docker mode.

Example of its use via local docker

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/sitespeed.io" sitespeedio/sitespeed.io:16.10.3 https://www.sitespeed.io/

Example of its use in a CI, it will be necessary to pass the configuration of the output endpoint, here graphite.

docker run --name sitespeed --network=eco-platform-analyzer_epa-network --shm-size=1g --rm -v "$(pwd):/sitespeed.io" \
    sitespeedio/sitespeed.io:16.10.3 https://www.arkea.com/ --cpu --sustainable.enable --axe.enable -b chrome \
    --graphite.host graphite --graphite.port 2003 --graphite.auth user:password --graphite.username guest --graphite.password guest

All possible configurations are shown in Sitespeed documentation

Sitespeed by default generates HTML scan results at the root of the container run, but it is possible to connect several types of endpoints as output:

  • S3
  • Influx
  • Graphite (à utiliser pour les dashboard proposés par sitespeed)
  • Slack


Documentation on the dashboards offered by sitespeed

Docker image of the Grafana dashboards

EcoIndex Green IT Scoring

EcoIndex website

Scoring based on the evaluation of eco-design rules

Usage of the fork of the GreenIT plugin. This tool is basically a plugin for Chrome and Firefox allowing to score eco-design best practices.

The good practices are from the repository published by GreenIT.fr.

We have made a contribution to this project, which consists in adding the writing of the results in influx base and a Grafana dahsboard.



Yellow Lab Tools

Monitoring and analysis of code in a browser

Use of the Yellow Lab Tools project to retrieve a large amount of metrics to trace the causes of problems reported by previous projects. This tool collects metrics on topics as varied as DOM complexity, JS and CSS analysis, configured cache, etc.

Energy consumption measure

Use of the tools exposed by the framework PowerAPI

/!\ These tools can only be used on a physical machine with root /!\ access. For our needs, we have selected the HWPC Sensor and Formula tools, which are available in a containerized way.


The measurement of energy consumption is possible through RAPL (RUNNING AVERAGE POWER LIMIT).


RAPL exposes consumption data in the form of a value key: Timestamp (ns) / joules.

Article explaining how RAPL works HPWC scrapes the data via the linux kernel, itself re-exposing this data from the CPU/DRAM/GPU. This data is then pushed into a mongo database or a text file.

HWPC documentation


docker run --net=host --privileged --name hwpc-sensor -d
    -v /sys:/sys
    -v /var/lib/docker/containers:/var/lib/docker/containers:ro
    -v /tmp/powerapi-sensor-reporting-firefox:/reporting powerapi/hwpc-sensor:latest
    -n "hwpc-sensor"
    -r "mongodb" -U "mongodb://" -D "powerapi" -C "data"
    -s "rapl" -o -e "RAPL_ENERGY_PKG"
    -s "msr" -e "TSC" -e "APERF" -e "MPERF"


Formula converts the data from HWPC into usable data.

Description & integration

It is necessary to provide information about the CPU (which has been monitored by HWPC) in order to perform the conversion. HWPC documentation

This information is as follows:

  • nominal frequency ratio
  • minimum frequency ratio
  • maximum frequency ratio

This for a CPU (used in the development of the POC) of 1800mhz with a min of 400mhz and a max of 4000mhz gives


Formula supports the writing of data in an InfluxDB database which will allow to make graphs in a tool like Grafana. See schema

sudo docker run -td --net=host --name powerapi-formula powerapi/smartwatts-formula \
    -s \
    --input mongodb --model HWPCReport \
                   -u mongodb:// -d "powerapi" -c "data" \
    --output mongodb --name power --model PowerReport \
                    -u mongodb:// -d "powerapi" -c "data_computed" \
    --output mongodb --name formula --model FormulaReport \
                    -u mongodb:// -d "powerapi" -c frep \
    --formula smartwatts --cpu-ratio-base 18 \
                        --cpu-ratio-min 4 \
                        --cpu-ratio-max 40 \
                        --cpu-error-threshold 2.0 \
                        --dram-error-threshold 2.0 \


Example of an initial dashboard


Note that it will be necessary to go further in the way of exploiting this data:

  • First, it may be relevant to correlate the measurements made over time and the execution of the Robot Framework tests
  • In a second step, it will be necessary to perform an integration type calculation (in Grafana) according to the duration of the tests, with the idea of having a unique value instead of a curve

Selenium & Robot Framework

To measure the energy consumption of a browser, we have chosen to use the Selenium framework. Selenium exposes a hub and node mechanism in order to parallelize test executions on different browsers. The tests are driven by the Robot Framework, which will allow to program the simulation of the user path, the energy consumption measurements will be performed in the background by listening to the PID of the nodes by HWPC.

It is however possible to monitor with HWPC the PID of a browser installed directly on the machine. It will then be necessary to install and configure GeckoDriver in order to drive the browser through the Selenium hub. We have not been able to quantify precisely the "noise" generated in a containerized Selenium node, but it appears to be negligible.




  • A dedicated GreenIT CLI Analysis docker container
  • Dependency on InfluxDB container
  • Dependency on Grafana container and dashboard


  • A dedicated SiteSpeed docker container to run
  • Dependency on an InfluxDB container
  • Dependency on a Grafana container and a set of dashboards

Yellow Lab Tools

  • A dedicated Yellow Lab Tools docker container
  • Dependency with the InfluxDB container
  • Dependency with a Grafana container and a dashboard


The energy consumption analysis is the part that requires the most tooling and configuration.

  • A dedicated physical machine
  • An HWPC container
  • A SmartWatts container
  • Dependency with an InfluxDB container
  • Dependency with a Grafana container and a dashboard


Note that the use of these different tools is totally modular according to the needs.

Additional configuration for energy consumption analysis

  1. docker and docker-compose

docker docker-compose

  1. node 14
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
  1. gitlab runner

Gitlab runner

You must add the runner to the configuration of your Gitlab repository, by specifying the registration_token and the url of the Gitlab to your local runner. (i.e https://gitlab.com/<your_project>/-/settings/ci_cd)

Give docker process rights to the Gitlab runner daemon

sudo usermod -aG docker gitlab-runner
  1. Installation of Cgroup package
sudo apt-get install cgroup-bin
  1. Use powerapi with a local browser

Create / edit file /etc/cgconfig.conf and add a custom event:

group firefoxEvent{

Create / edit file /etc/cgrules.conf and make a link between the cgroup event and the process path to listen to:

user:/usr/lib/firefox/firefox perf_event firefoxEvent

Load configuration

sudo cgconfigparser -l /etc/cgconfig.conf

Load rules

sudo cgrulesengd -vvv --logfile=/var/log/cgrulesend.log

Use cases to imagine or improve

  • Aggregation of browser runtime
  • The 3 tools: eco index, site speed and robot framework each use their own browser runtime.
  • GreenIT CLI Analysis uses a default Chronium and is not configurable
  • Sitespeed.io uses its own runtime but can apparently be configured to use a Selenium server
  • Robot Framework is using Selenium

The most interesting thing would be to converge on a single use of Selenium and therefore to make a contribution to the GreenIT CLI Analysis plugin to make it compatible with Selenium.

  • Static code analysis with a dedicated Sonar plugin architecture_sonar Like the GreenIT CLI Analysis plugin, it is possible to perform the same type of analysis via a custom Sonar plugin. A first implementation is available on this repository

  • Test bench The objective would be to build up a pool of machines with different performances. These machines would have at their disposal a PowerAPI installation with one or more Selenium nodes. These would be driven by Robot Framework tests. It could also be interesting to run Sitespeed remotely in order to monitor the browsing performance. This would provide a history of the energy consumption of a given front-end on a given machine.

  • Measurement of VM's energy consumption on the Data Center main frame side

  • Note that there are other tools that use the RAPL part:
  • Intel Power Gadget
  • Codecarbon
  • Scaphandre
  • Async Profiler
  • Design an eco-design index from the metrics generated by these different tools
  • Design customized dashboards for each type of profile


Any issue or idea ? The issues page is open!


The LCA values used by GreenIT to evaluate environmental impacts are not under free license - © Frédéric Bordage. Please also refer to the mentions provided in the code files for specifics on the IP regime.


See references