For Airalab, 06-2018
It is the only two dependencies, you can download it from the links below:
cd /home/<catkin_workspace>/srs
catkin_create_pkg sensor
git clone
cp -r owen_pvt100_sensor/* sensor/
rm -rf owen_pvt100_sensor/
cd ..
catkin_make install
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch sensor sensor.launch
Default parameters, which you can change in launch file:
/thc_sensor/baudrate: 9600
/thc_sensor/port: /dev/ttyUSB1
/thc_sensor/publication_period: 1
/thc_sensor/slave_adress: 16
/thc_sensor/timeout: 0.05
- timeout - maximum time to capture the bus interface. You can not set less than 0.05 seconds
- If the publication_period parameter is set to 0, a periodic poll will not be conducted
Header header
# port name
port string
# humidity sensor
float64 humidity
# Data checking. If the data is not reached it returns False otherwise True
bool success
Header header
# port name
# temperature sensor
float64 temperature
# Data checking. If the data is not reached it returns False otherwise True
bool success
returns the humidity value (float64), and Header
Header header
string port
float64 humidity
bool success
returns the temperature value (float64), and Header
Header header
string port
float64 temperature
bool success
updates and applies parameters that have been changed through the rosparam set
Header header
string log
Type: sensor/humidity
Description: publishes humidity data (float64) and Header
Type: sensor/temperature
Description: publishes temperature data (float64) and Header