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This fork has some new features:

  • With this package you can use two WebRTC modules on same react native project (useful to avoid duplicated class error on Android)
  • Use this fork if you need to use Jitsi + React Native WebRTC
  • Using M88 chromium revision

PS: tested on Android only.

WebRTC build changes:


private String nativeLibraryName = "jingle_peerconnection_so";


private String nativeLibraryName = "jingle_peer_connection_so";

And this:

  • Every webrtc's package id renamed from "org.webrtc" -> "com.webrtc"
  • Every rn module's package id renamed from "com.honey.WebRTCModule" to "org.honey.WebRTCModule"
  • Every libjingle_peerconnection_so lib name was changed to libjingle_peer_connection_so

A WebRTC module for React Native.

  • Support iOS / macOS / Android.
  • Support Video / Audio / Data Channels.

NOTE for Expo users: this plugin doesn't work unless you eject.


Everyone is welcome to our Discourse community to discuss any React Native and WebRTC related topics.

WebRTC Revision

  • Currently used revision: M87
  • Supported architectures
    • Android: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64
    • iOS: arm64, x86_64 (for bitcode support, run this script)
    • macOS: x86_64



Now, you can use WebRTC like in browser. In your index.ios.js/index.android.js, you can require WebRTC to import RTCPeerConnection, RTCSessionDescription, etc.

import {
} from 'react-native-webrtc';

Anything about using RTCPeerConnection, RTCSessionDescription and RTCIceCandidate is like browser. Support most WebRTC APIs, please see the Document.

const configuration = {"iceServers": [{"url": "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"}]};
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection(configuration);

let isFront = true;
mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(sourceInfos => {
  let videoSourceId;
  for (let i = 0; i < sourceInfos.length; i++) {
    const sourceInfo = sourceInfos[i];
    if(sourceInfo.kind == "videoinput" && sourceInfo.facing == (isFront ? "front" : "environment")) {
      videoSourceId = sourceInfo.deviceId;
    audio: true,
    video: {
      width: 640,
      height: 480,
      frameRate: 30
      facingMode: (isFront ? "user" : "environment"),
      deviceId: videoSourceId
  .then(stream => {
    // Got stream!
  .catch(error => {
    // Log error

pc.createOffer().then(desc => {
  pc.setLocalDescription(desc).then(() => {
    // Send pc.localDescription to peer

pc.onicecandidate = function (event) {
  // send event.candidate to peer

// also support setRemoteDescription, createAnswer, addIceCandidate, onnegotiationneeded, oniceconnectionstatechange, onsignalingstatechange, onaddstream


However, render video stream should be used by React way.

Rendering RTCView.

<RTCView streamURL={this.state.stream.toURL()} />
Name Type Default Description
mirror boolean false Indicates whether the video specified by "streamURL" should be mirrored during rendering. Commonly, applications choose to mirror theuser-facing camera.
objectFit string 'contain' Can be contain or cover
streamURL string '' This is mandatory
zOrder number 0 Similarly to zIndex

Custom APIs


By calling this method the JavaScript global namespace gets "polluted" with the following additions:

  • navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia()
  • navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()
  • window.RTCPeerConnection
  • window.RTCIceCandidate
  • window.RTCSessionDescription
  • window.MediaStream
  • window.MediaStreamTrack

This is useful to make existing WebRTC JavaScript libraries (that expect those globals to exist) work with react-native-webrtc.


This function allows to switch the front / back cameras in a video track on the fly, without the need for adding / removing tracks or renegotiating.


Starting with version 1.67, when setting a local video track's enabled state to false, the camera will be closed, but the track will remain alive. Setting it back to true will re-enable the camera.

Related projects

The react-native-webrtc organization provides a number of packages which are useful when developing Real Time Communications applications.


Thanks to all contributors for helping with the project!

Special thanks to Wan Huang Yang for creating the first version of this package.