
Source code for the guake-project.org website

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Guake Web site source

This repository contains the source code of the Guake web site:



Because writing web pages using notepads or word-like software is not more relevant, we now need to use a true development environment. That's what is "web development". So, building a web page required to set up all the paradigms we use when developing any other "heavy" software. That why we have source code, compilators, components, deployment procedures,...

I am not really used to web development but this kind of suite me, since I do software development for almost 20 years. I am used to commit my change in a central repository, write deployment scripts, think and rethink the architecture of my software. Why not for web pages?

Designing a good looking web page is now just a small part of the job of building a web site. To be fair, I used to write PHP websites in my teen ages, and since then, I only managed to get in touch with open source frame work such as Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress, relying on someelse's job to deploy a good looking website. Software programming was more for C++, Java or even python projects.

For Guake I have decided to give a try on writing a one page web site using cutting edge web development tool. But some good old habbits are still here, that's why I have writen down most of the procedures and commands in easily understandable scripts, so they can be used at entry points in my daily development routine.


Main building tools

  • the main entry point for the project is npm. npm (nodejs) installs the main tools such as brower, the grunt task manager and other scripts management tools,
  • bower is the level two of dependency management. It mainly installs the packages you will use in your website, such as angular, jquery, bootstrap,...
  • grunt is the build tool. Basically it is just a task manager, like Makefile or Ant. There is use set of plugins available to perform many operations. Grunt will compile your source files into testable website and will prepare the file for the release package. Its main competitor is gulp, which is more easier to use, faster and mode "npm"-like.

More information


In the new web development world, we need to carefully choose the language that matches our needs. It is a real paradox that there are so many languages that needs to fill the lack of html, css, and javascripts. These three are used in every modern web browser, yet they are not suited for web development (so on the developer side).

Main File formats

From my humble web 2.0 experience I choose the following technologies:


This source file compiles to CSS file. I clearly prefere CSS over concurent solution like SCSS, it is less powerful, but powerful enough, and doesn't repends on Ruby environment (I hate when a tool forces us to setup a complete environment, completely different from the current one).

I clearly prefer the sass syntax, for the lack of curly braces, matching the two other file format syntaxes. But Sass relies on Ruby, which involves setup up a new environment (web development is already that hard on windows...). But the more important drawback is that the magical Bootstrap component cannot be used directly, we need to checkout a Sass port of bootstrap, which requires to patch the libsass configuration and so on. So, to keep things simple, let's stick with Less for the moment.

Reference: http://lesscss.org/


As source file for Javascript. It adds syntax sugar over the ugly javascript syntax (I really hate JavaScript). Even if I am not completely fan of CoffeeScript syntax (I hate the definition syntax for a method, it far from being intuitive), but, it is still better than bare JavaScript.

Reference: http://coffeescript.org/


This is compiled into Html page. It is a simple template system than mainly binds HTML tags without complex HTML closing tags and hides all the verbosity of the HTML/XML format.

Reference: http://jade-lang.com/

All these files are managed though the grunt building tool. Of course, npm/nodejs is nearby, but ony in the installation process.

Other file format


Forget about using the the flawed Markdown format for writing your formatted text documents. Every implementation is different, leading to a format with almost no standart. How can we hate IE6 so much and still use a bad file format such as Markdown ?

reStructuredText defines a proper standart for basic text formatting a clean extention mecanisms for other parser to add more features (such as sphinx-builder documentation system).

Building Overview

Source files are converted into the web page like this:

Jade         ===============================> public/*.html

Coffeescript ===== + jquery/other deps =====> public/js/*.js

Less         ===============================> public/css/*.css

images/files ===============================> public/img/*.png

The Web components used in this projects


The famous framework from Twitter. It hides all complexity over the responsiveness stuff a modern website needs to respect in order to run seamlessly on PC, mobile, and any other devices. It provides the default behavior of a responsive website, ie when displayed on a small display the menu is different than when on a large screen for example.

It also deals with all the differences between web browser I, as a developer, do NOT want to deal with. Thanks to bootstrap and its normalize.css, all these annoying differences are abstracted.

Bootstrap provides a huge bunch of Less files ready to use, with many "mixin" that can be used to create button, navigation bar, menu, good looking and morden widgets.

Reference: http://getbootstrap.com/


Simpler and powerful animation scrolling framework. It is a pretty old library, and seems only compatible with jquery-1.8.2.

Reference: http://johnpolacek.github.io/scrolldeck.js/

Note: see this page for reproducting the parallax effect: http://www.ianlunn.co.uk/blog/code-tutorials/recreate-nikebetterworld-parallax/


Smooth movements on CSS events (imported by jquery-scrolldeck)

Reference: http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/


The famous jquery library (imported by jquery-scrolldeck)

Reference: http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/

Other used Grunt plugins


This plugin helps generating a Search Engine friendly file named sitemap.xml.

concat, uglify, watch, connect, copy

These grunt plugins are used in the build system in order to perform operations on the files, concatenating and uglifying the javascript files when preparing the deployment package.



Corporate behind HTTP Proxy

npm config set proxy ${http_proxy}
npm config set https-proxy ${https_proxy}



Update to latest available version



Install Node


Install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK

(seems required to build karma)


Install grunt and bower

npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g bower

Upgrading required dependencies


Update your development environment



Please use an editor that supports EditorConfig


For SublimeText, please install EditorConfig.

Development process

Use the [win|lin]-dev-build.[bat|sh] script to build the environment. If you want to inspect your change in a web browser, I advise to use [win|lin]-dev-serve.[bat|sh]. It will start a small web server and open you browser to the http://localhost:9000 URL, where you can test the changes in live.

TODO: I'd like to add LiveReload support to this web page.

Unit testing

Unit test is not supported for the moment in the current development environment, but that is a part of the project I would like to add in the futur.

Miscellaneous informations

Project bootstrapping

This project has been started by a squeleton built by Yeoman, using generator-jabl:

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-jabl
yo jabl

This generated the main packages.json, grunt.json and the directory structure.



A travis build has been configured for this repository. Find it here:


It used to check that every pull request at least compiles.