
The 2048 Game

Primary LanguagePython

2048 (Basic Game)

The game is available in 2 versions: In both Versions you are supposed to run the Mainline.py file while keeping the GBoard in same Directory


  • The Game should run on Windows if you have Microsoft C runtime installed, otherwise install it (the game doesn't do this for you)


  • To run this game on Linux, make sure you have getch installed, if not the game will install it for you on first Startup
  • The Game Cannot Install getch if you do not have pip3 installed and the command runs fine on your version


  • Use the argument -n (or --n) to change the grid size and -w (or --w) to change the winning number, not entering a valid value will result in the defaults being used
  • It is recommended to keep the winning number not higher than 213 or else the grid would distort, it wouldn't distort otherwise


  • w (lowercase) → up
  • s (lowercase) → down
  • a (lowercase) → left
  • d (lowercase) → right
  • u (lowercase) → undo
  • z (lowercase) → quit