I made this Maze game to learn python and pygame.
There is 3 sizes of mazes, each is generated randomly. the Goal is to reach the treasure with the less moves (not a big challenge...). The treasure is positionned at the end of the longuest path.
clone the repo
go in the folder
cd labyrinth
create a virtual environment
virtualenv env -p python3
install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
allow execution of the game
chmod +x main.py
launch the game
python main.py
Title menu
Use arrow keys tu go up or down
Select with Enter
In the game use the arrows to move the avatar
press Q if you want to go back to title menu
Small Maze 10x10
Medium Maze 15x13
Large Maze 21x15
When you reach the treasure, the game is over.
Red dots show you the shorter path.
to do...
- Do some unit tests
- Stop the game when the treasure has been reached
- Learn that there is a 'e' at the end of labyrinthe
- add a time record
- record best times with longuest path?
- any idea for cool feature ? tell me