
OC DA Python Projet 8 : Pur Beurre

Primary LanguageCSS

Pur Beurre - Du gras, oui mais de qualité

Build Status Coverage Status

Pur Beurre is an application made for Project 8 of OpenClassrooms DA Python.

It is a Django application that allows you to find a food product and choose a substitute with a better nutrition grade.

Getting Started

You can use is directly at this adress: https://bc-ocdapythonpr8.herokuapp.com/


This application works with Python 3.6 and Django 2.2

You can choose the SGDB you want, just configure in settings.py


clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/Zepmanbc/oc_dapython_pr8.git

create the virtualenv and install dependencies

cd oc_dapython_pr8
pipenv install

create environment variables (here is for development config)


I suppose here that you use MySQL, you must create a database named purbeurre and your user's login and password are root.

If you use a different SGDB you can configure it in settings.py

Run migrate and fill in database (here with 50 product of each category)

purbeurre/manage.py migrate
purbeurre/manage.py fillindb 50

Then run server

purbeurre/manage.py runserver

Running the tests

pytest purbeurre/


Deployement config is set for Heroku. You need to create environment variables in Heroku


The production configuration is set for Postgres, activate it in Heroku.

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Keep in mind to migrate and fill in database.


You can access to admin section with adding /admin/ to your url.

You can modify fill in categories in fillindb.py

Built With