
Search-engine advanced queries for Google and Bing

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Search-engine advanced queries for Google and Bing


pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/Zepolimer/python-advanced-search.git@main#python-advanced-search
python3 -m unittest
rm build/ python_advanced_search.egg-info dist -Rf
python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
pip3 install -I dist/python_advanced_search-*-py3-none-any.whl

Use cases

You can use search method with common operators and specific for each search-engine.
Your query can be combined with exclude method to add a minus in front of an operator or expression.
You can use OR, AND, NOT classes which allows you to perform conditional query.

Google (many params available on include and exclude methods)

from python_advanced_search.engines.google.query import GoogleQuery

query = GoogleQuery().include(

# return query string
# query.str = 'site:domain.tld allinanchor:anchor -inanchor:scholar'

Bing (many params available on include and exclude methods)

from python_advanced_search.engines.bing.query import BingQuery

query = BingQuery().include(

# return query string
# query.str = 'site:domain.tld inbody:text_content'

Conditional (available for GoogleQuery and BingQuery)

from python_advanced_search.engines.bing.query import BingQuery
from python_advanced_search.models.commands.conditions import AND

query = BingQuery().include(
    in_body=AND('text_content_1', 'text_content_2'),

# return query string
# query.str = 'site:domain.tld inbody:(text_content_1 AND text_content_2)'


Command Google Bing Common
exact search "" ""
indexed (domain) site: site:
indexed (URL) site: url:
page title allintitle: intitle: intitle:
page body allintext: intext: inbody:
page url allinurl: inurl: N/A
page anchor allinanchor: inanchor: N/A
include (word or operator) AND AND
comparison (a OR b) OR OR
exclude (word or operator) - -
exclude (word or expression) NOT NOT
between .. N/A
restricted location N/A location: loc:
restricted language N/A language:
restricted filetype filetype: filetype:
similar content (URL) related: N/A
define word define: N/A
link from domain N/A linkfromdomain:
link domain N/A linkdomain: