
SSD1306 Display Driver Library for ATTiny85

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

SSD1306 Minimal


This is a modification of the GOFi2cOLED which is based on the Adafruit SSD1306 library.

I have added in a reference to the codepage that the font uses (Code Page 437 minus one glyph), to make it easier to decide which rows of the font are necessary to keep, as this uses up a lot of RAM, especially on an Adafruit Trinket.

There's a lot of other commented out code which was in the version I found. I have not yet worked out why this is the case.

I've also altered it to work with the standard TinyWireM, hopefully.

Usage / Basic Setup

Include the library in your Arduino file

#include "SSD1306_minimal.h

Setup the display

SSD1306_Mini ssd1306;

void setup() {

Printing strings and chars


Check the example.ino for a basic starting point


cursorTo(x,y); uses pages so x has a range of 0-127 whereas y has a range from 0-7. Due to paging, using the function setPixel() will draw a vertical line with a width of 1px but a height of 128 / pages (usually 8px).

Tested on an Attiny85.