
This is a skill for picroft that will interact with the GPIO

Primary LanguagePython

picroft example skill gpio Readme

This is a skill for picroft that will interact with the GPIO


This requires a Picroft install on the RPi you can find instructions on the home.mycroft.ai site. Be sure that mycroft user has the following the group for gpio



These are required for doc generation.

  • graphviz
  • sphinx
  • python-rpi.gpio
  • python3-rpi.gpio


The documentation is done by sphinx with some of it in the code. The following will generate the html docs.

make docs

You can then find the generated html in docs/build/html/index.html. Open that file in your browser and you should be able to navigate the docs.


Once you have a picroft image configure it for SSH access. Change the Makefile ip address for the RPi you installed the image onto. Also create the folder /opt/mycroft/skills/skill-gpio on the RPi for the installer.

make install.pi

This will installl this source onto the RPi.


make test.pi

This will run a test to be sure you have access to the gpio be sure to test on the system in a simular manner as mycroft.


Once installed on a paired Picroft you should be able to issue commands:

Turn Led On
Turn Led Off
Blink Led
Led Status

And Picroft should respond with the following.

Led is Off
Led is On
Button Pressed
Button Released


vocab - This captures entities used by the skill to understand the vocal command.
dialog - This is used for responces back to the users.


If the blinking is too fast it will be impossible to get a command in edgewise because of the voice responce to the led turning on and off during blinking.


For now, use the below image as a guide to the circuit.