
This is pretty much just a tester that I made. It basically starts at 1 and counts to a million, with that looping about three times. During this process, it has a timer running to tell you how much time it took to complete the test. I used this for three different computers to measure their speed in a very easy and simple way.

Primary LanguagePython

                                        Written in PYTHON 3

import random import time

Start = 0 i = 0

while i != i: i +=1

Start = str(Start + 1) start = time.time() for i in range(3): for Start in range(2000000): print(Start) time.sleep(.0000000000000000000000000000001) end = time.time() print('Current time of execution:', (end-start) * 1**10, 'seconds') print ('Current Loop Cycle:' ,i, '/3 completed')