
Game implemented in C++ language

Primary LanguageC

Game 2048


2048 is a logic game played usually on 4x4 board. The board contains blocks of various values. In each turn, the player choses the direction (up, down, left, right) in which all blocks on the board will move. During the turn, a collision of two blocks can happen. If they are of same value, they will be merged together to form single block of doubled value. After the turn, a random spot on the board is chosen and a new block with value of 2 (rarely 4) will spawn on that spot. At the beginning, there are two blocks of values 2 (rarely 4). The player is winner if he manages to combine blocks into a block with value of 2048. If there is no direction, in which there would be a movement of at least one block, then the player is declared as a loser.

This is its implementation in C++ and it uses SDL and SDL_TTF libraries to produce graphical output. It uses Monofonto font for displaying text throughout the program.

##Supported Platforms The program is currently capable of running only on Windows with Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 32-bit installed.

##Download You can download source codes from this repository and build it using Microsoft Visual Studio. Also you have to donwload runtime SDL and SDL_TTF DLLs. Repository already contains Development Libraries in lib folder. DoxyGen generated documentation can be found accessed by clicking this link

You can download binary containing everything required (except for Visual C++ Redistributable 2013) to run the program from this mirror.

##Installation The program does not need to be installed at all. Only requirement is to preserve folder structure, so that 2048.exe are in the same folder as SDL2.dll, SDL2_ttf.dll, libfreetype-6.dll, zlib1.dll, monofonto.ttf.

##Program Start Program can be started by executing 2048.exe.

##Controls In the top left corner of the game window, there is an indicator showing current score. If there is a "W" symbol after numeric value of the score, it means, that the player managed to win this game and is only hunting higher score. In the top right corner, one can click "Show Stats" button, which will pop stats window showing interesting statistics about the play, such as Total Moves or Highest Score. The statistics are preserved during multiple runs of the program (saved in Stats.dat file). User can click "Switch to Global/Current Stats" in the stats window to see statstics regarding current game, or global statistics of all previous playthroughs.

The game is controlled using keyboard. By pressing directional arrows, one can perform turn in given direction. Pressing "R" button restarts current game progress. You can close the game by clicking top right cross, pressing Alt+F4 or Ctrl+Q.

Written by Filip Kliber (zeregesgmail.com) in 2014/2015 as Semester Assignment
Link to GitHub repository.