
Custom SharePoint Forms for SharePoint 2013/2016/SPOnline. Using AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Automatically Generates AngularJs Form for any SharePoint List

Works with SharePoint 2013, 2016 and SPOnline

Angular View and Controller are automatically generated and applied to the target SharePoint list of your choice.


Disable Minimal Download Strategy site feature. Otherwise Angular form will not render properly.

Form Sample

How to Deploy Angular Forms:

  • Download the latest release as a ZIP-archive from here
  • Extract the folder and run .EXE file
  • Specify the full URL of the site with the existing list
  • Enter your login
  • Enter Passowrd
  • Enter list display name. For example, Courses
  • Angular view and controller will be automatically generated based on the list you selected

Deploy sample

How to modify the form

Assuming you are not familiar with modern tools like SPGO or SPPP, I will just suggest mapping the /Assets/App folder using WebDav. First Open it in Internet Explorer for authentication purposes. Open it in Visual Studio Code. Angular views and controllers will be deployed in the /Assets/App/Forms/Your_List_Name/ folder.

You will have to know your field internal names to be able to refer them. From the controller you refer to the fields like so: $scope.f.fieldName.Value. From the View you refer to the fields like so: {{f.fieldName.Value}} or ng-model="f.fieldName.Value"

The generated Angular form is just a scaffolding and is meant to be modified according to your business logic. You will probably want to add ng-required, ng-hidden, et. to your fields

Saving and loading happens automatically. Not all field types are available. Refer to the bottom section for the full list.

Missing field types:

  • multichoice
  • lookup/multilookup
  • taxonomy

Feel free to contribute to the Angular service spFormFactory.js to include support for the missing field types

Available field types:

<!-- user field -->
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-6">
    <div ui-people ng-model="f.Requestor.user" pp-is-multiuser="{{false}}" pp-width="220px" pp-account-type="User" id="Requestor"></div>

<!-- date -->
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-6">
    <datetime-picker format="calendarFormat" ng-model="f.StartDate.Value" name="StartDate" id="StartDate" />

<!-- time -->
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-6">
    <span class='time-span'>
    <div uib-timepicker ng-change='updateTime()' ng-model="f.StartTime.Value" id="StartTime" name="StartTime" show-spinners='false'></div>

<!-- single choice checkbox -->
<div class="col-md-4 col-xs-6">
    <choice-field field="f.choiceField" id="choiceField"> </choice-field>

<!-- radio -->
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-6">
    <radio-field field="f.WithPay" id="WithPay" ng-required="true"> </radio-field>

<!-- dropdown -->
<div class="col-md-3">
    <select ng-required="true" data-ng-model="f.OptionField.Value" name="OptionField" class="selectpicker">
        <option ng-repeat="option in f.OptionField.Choices">{{option}}</option>

<!-- number -->
<input type="number" ng-model="f.NumberOfDays.Value" min="0" id="NumberOfDays" />

<!-- currency -->
<div class='col-md-4 col-xs-6'>
    <input type='text' maxlength='254' id='Price' name='Price' ng-model='f.Price.Value' class='full-width' ng-currency  placeholder="insert currency value"  />

<!-- single line text -->
<div class="col-md-3 col-xs-4">
    <input type='text' maxlength='254' id='PhoneNumber' name='PhoneNumber' ng-model="f.PhoneNumber.Value" class='full-width' />

<!-- multiline text -->
<div class="col-md-6">
    <textarea ng-model="f.Comments.Value" name="Comments"></textarea>

<!-- attachments -->
<div class="col-md-12 non-printable" ng-if='CurrentUserPartOfWorkflow'>
    <file-uploader control-id="'Documents'"
                   show-display-name-field="false" attachment-doc-folder-name="'Documents'" />
    <!-- specify control-id if you have more than 1 attachment control on the form -->
    <!-- attachment-filter-field-name: internal lookup field name that refers to the current list. Create it in the Attachments Documents if it does not exist.-->
    <!-- show-display-name-field: true if you want to rename the files-->
    <!-- attachment-doc-folder-name: name of the folder in the Attachments library where you want to store the documents. default is '' - root -->